Rabbi Chaim Stern
חיים ב"ר אריה ליבוש
Rav, Brooklyn, NYDate of Death:
Sun. March 18, 1990 -
Iyar 23 5750
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Location: Gate: 263, Society: Stropkover Chevra Yosef Chaim Estreich-Ungarishe Anshei Sfard
Biographical Notes:
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the organization is till operating in Williamsburg under the same name: CHEVRA GMILAS CHESED STROPKOVER JOSEPH CHAIM, and are located at 212 Keap Street, Brooklyn.
There’s a shul/shtiebel on New Utrecht, between 53rd & 54th Street, Rav Stern is the Rov there – someone mentioned once that he is related here.
Rabbi Stern of “Toras Yisroel” on New Utrecht Ave was just nifter last week. He was the son of Rabbi Chaim Stern a”h. He was laid to rest in Washington cemetary near his father.
I have pictures of the Kevarim of his family that are buried around him please contact me for them.
BTW today was the Hakamas Hamtzeivah for his son Harav Tzvi Zt”l.
I am looking for the grave of his son R’ Tzvi.
He is also buried her. Any information on his exact location will be helpful.