Rabbi Eliyahu Meir Bloch
×ליהו ××יר ב"ר יוסף יהודה ליב
Rosh Yeshiva, Telshe, Cleveland, OhioDate of Death:
Sat. January 22, 1955 -
Teves 28 5715
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Olive Cemetery in Solon, Ohio maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Solon is a suburb of Cleveland Location: Large Ohel
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch, Credit: Needed
Photo Caption: Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch’s father, Rav Yosef Leib d. 1930, Credit: Needed
Photo Caption: Rav Eliyahu Meir Bloch’s grandfather, Rav Eliezer Gordon, Telzer Rav, d. 1910
Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America
Photo Caption: Kever of Rav Lazer Gordon, Edmonton Federation of Synagogues Cemetery, London, England, Credit: Shloime Marilus, United Kingdom.
Rav Gordon passed away in England on a fundraising trip. See attached document:
Rav Eliezer Gordon London
Photo Caption: On January 1, 1963, a fire broke out in one of the three dormitories at the yeshiva killing two students.  The Rosh Yeshiva at the time was Rav  Chaim Mordechai Katz (d. 1964), a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
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What is the reason of the wording “Lochem Milchamos Hashem” on the Matzieve?
I just noticed that “Lochem Milchamos Hashem” is also written on Rabbi Rafael Reuvain Grozovsky matzeiva. Probably because back then America is not what it is today.
His father was Reb Yosef Leib Bloch, and grandfather was Reb Eliezer Telzer (Gordon).
Telshe (Telz) in Lithuania had a girls division called Yavneh.
Rabbi Revel tried getting him and Rabbi Katz to join the faculty at Yeshiva College (as he has spent a zeman in Telz and knew them well). In the end, they declined as they wanted more independence to continue the Telzer Derech