Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Mowshowitz
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Chief Rabbi, Hartford, ConnecticutDate of Death:
Wed. May 4, 1966 -
Iyar 14 5726
Pesach Sheni
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: The cemetery located in Hartford, Connecticut runs along Tower Avenue from Waverly Street to Barbour Street and is made up of smaller individual cemeteries and societies. There are additional entrances along Garden Street and Cleveland Avenue. Location: Section: Adas Israel, Front row to the right of the entrance
Biographical Notes:
The Rav, who studied in Slabodka was the son in law of the baal Damesek Eliezer, Rav Eliezer Nitsberg.
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‘ืืืฉืง ืืืืขืืจ’ ืืืืื ืืฅ?
the Damesek Eliezer from Viznitz’s name was Hager, and he didn’t have any children…
was he related to the famous Movshovitzes?
He was born in Slonim.
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His son-in-law was R’ Refoel Moshe Gibber.
Rav Mowshowitz served in Albany NY prior to his going to Hartford, his son R’ Yiroel was ordained in RIETS in 1938 and was installed as Rabbi in Durham, NC.
Reb Yisroel was later in the Bronx.
He had a son R’ Yosef who was also in the Bronx.
Based on dates I think there were two R’ Yisroel Mowshowitz here, the one from the Bronx was prior to that in Trenton NJ and when he went to the Bronx, Reb Yaakov Kantrowitz took his position in Trenton, that was back in 1928.
The R’ Yisroel who was the son of Reb Shmuel Yaakov and was ordained in 1938, became the son-in-law of the Meicheter Illui R’ Shlomo Poliatchek and served in Durham NC.
I also find a R’ Yisroel Mowshowitz who was Mashgiach in Bialistock and came to the US in 1940.
He has two famous grandchildren:
Rav Chaim Gibber, the Rosh Kollel of the Minneapolis Community Kollel and
Rav Eliezer Gibber, the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedola of Providence, RI
I believe they actually lived with him for some time.
Marker of his SIL, Morris Gibber (Monticello, NY)
Interesting to see the quantity of pebbles placed on so many markers in that cemetery (check out other pics in this folder), which i haven’t seen in cemeteries closer to NYC area (more accessible).
Another son-in-law (by second marriage) was Dr. Max Pusin, see here:
Was a tremendous gaon. has other famous grandchildren, besides the ones mentioned, rabbi Dovid Gibber Rav in Flatbush, rebetzin Malkie Paretzky pricipal of Sara Schneirur in brooklyn, Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley and now in lakewood, and many many great grandchildren that are outstanding talmidei Chachamim and marbitzei torah.
The Damesek Eliezer Did have a child, her name was Ganendel. The Damesek Eliezer was Rav Mowshowitz’s father in law.