Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Feldman
יעקב משה ב"ר יששכר
Rav, Congregation Beth Yisroel, (Olive Street Shul) Los Angeles, California ÂDate of Death:
Sat. April 25, 1981 -
Nissan 21 5741
Achron Shel Pesach
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Zion Cemetery is located adjacent to the Home of Peace cemetery in East Los Angeles. Although owned on operated by The Jewish Federation Council of Los Angeles it is no longer active and at times subject to vandalism. The Federation does pay for some care and maintenance. Location: Needed
Biographical Notes:
Source: listedÂ
Rav Feldman, who was born in Australia most likely arrived here from London, where many members of the Feldman family are buried.

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His grandson is Rabbi Daniel Feldman, a rosh yeshiva at YU.