Rabbi Yehuda Davis
יהודה ב"ר אברהם צבי הלוי
Rosh Yeshiva, Zichron Mayer, Mountaindale, New YorkDate of Death:
Sun. March 2, 1997 -
Adar I 23 5757
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: The Viznitz Cemetery is open 24h and is located along RT. 306 at the intersection of Brick Church Rd in Monsey, NY. The cemetery is owned and operated by Congregation Khal Torath Chain Viznitz T:(845) 356-4407 or T: 845-356-6666, Location: Along the cemetery wall behind the Vizhnitzer Ohel
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rabbi Yehuda Davis, Credit: Needed
Credit: MCA
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Could this be the son of Rav Davis?
Driving towards Rav Kamenetzky z”l, this Matzeivoh caught my attention. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I feel it an opportunity to daven at a place where no decedents were left.
Confirmed. It’s a son of his who died at the young age of 20.
Was this the father-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Resenblum Shlit”a?
Tattale, Yes.
Another son is Reb Abba’la Davis, one of the Ribnitzer’s ppl.
The noted lecturer, Rabbi Shlomo Diamond of Deal, NJ is also a son-in-law.
Great biographical article by Dr. Levine on Harav Davis:
Rabbi Davis He married Fraida Basha, daughter of Rabbi Tzvi Aryeh Chions.
Any information on his FIL, where was he a Rabbi?
This is not the son of Rav Davis, this is the kever of Rav Davis, Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Mayer of Mountaindale, NY.
Devorah… i was referring to Meir Yitzchock Davis (ben Harav Yehuda), who’s buried in Mt. Judah.
I am not a straight descendant of Rav Yelhonan Wasserman.
My name is Shlomo Wasserman.
I am Jewish and Shomer Shabbat and Mitzvoth for 45 years. I came from the FSU, used to be called USSR with my parents and sister. Everybody is gone. I live alone in Ellenville NY 12428. My cell is 516-469-0053., email: ee_sol_wasserman@yahoo.com.
I study with hosheve Rabbi Moishe Frank in Ellenville and we are friends. Rabbi Moishe Frank gave me the Smicha for the Divrey Torah I said based purely from reading the Humash and understanding it deeper than anybody else.
Many people are uncomfortable with me asking the questions and giving them answers which they did not learned from their fathers and Rabbies.
What can I do if Hashem made me like that and this is scary for so many people.
My children grew up and are away and don’t want to know and care about me anymore.
I am looking for some eidliche Jew and a family who does not only recite at Seider the words: “whoever is hungry please come and join us” in Peisah Seider, but are ready, willing and able to have me at their homes and tables for Peisah.
I don’t have a car now, but do drive and have a valid NY license. I can rent a car or better take a taxi to your place if your rebbetzin permits you.
Please call me when you can and if you care.
Shlomo Wasserman