Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Chaim Pinchos Zelig Bernstein

חיים פנחס זעליג ב״ר שמעון

Rav, New York City

Date of Death: Sun. January 10, 1904 - Teves 2 5665

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
5400 Bay Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11230
United States

Phone: (718) 377-8690


Cemetery Map:

Notes: Over the years Washington Cemetery has become extremely difficult to navigate due to overcrowding and poor record keeping, getting a map is always recommended.

Directions to Kever: Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn maintains full burial records and will provided a detailed location map upon request. Section: Chevra Bnei Moshe Arye Anshei Ivia

Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Selig Bernstein

Biographical Notes:

Credit: Asher Lowy, Brooklyn, NY

Credit: Asher Lowy, Brooklyn, NY

Credit: Asher Lowy, Brooklyn, NY

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