Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Aaron Yosef Bloch

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Founder, Clinton Street Cheder, Buffalo, New York

Date of Death: Sat. February 15, 1936 - Shevat 22 5696

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
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[xy_cemeteries field=”city”], [xy_cemeteries field=”state”] [xy_cemeteries field=”zip”]
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Phone: [xy_cemeteries field=”phone”]
Fax: [xy_cemeteries field=”fax-number”]
Contact: [xy_cemeteries field=”contact-person”]

Web: [xy_cemeteries field=”web-address”]
Email: [xy_cemeteries field=”email”]

Cemetery Map: [xy_cemeteries field=”cemetery-map”]

Notes: [xy_cemeteries field=”notes”]

Directions to Kever: Beth Jacob Cemetery located in upstate Buffalo, NY is also known as the Doat Street Cemetery or B'nai Jacob Cemetery. The entrance is from Lansdale Pl. Beth Jacob is adjacent to the much larger Concordia Cemetery. Although, for many years in a state of disarray it appears that the cemetery has recently been cleaned up. Location: Needed

Biographical Notes:

Credit: Menachem Mendel Gurary

Credit: Menachem Mendel Gurary

Credit: N/N

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