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- Uri B. Jeremias
The Real Person!
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Author Uri B. Jeremias acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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- mordcha s. derbarmdiger
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- susan
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- Susan
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- Avrohom J Neuwirth
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Author Avrohom J Neuwirth acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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My father rabbi Jacob Rybak received smicha from Rav eliezer lipa Weisblum,Rav chaim Avraham Klein,and Rav nasan Nuta Dublinsky.Is there any information about Rav Dublinsky’s kever.Your website has information about the first two Rabbanim.
Please tell us a little more about your father.
My father Rabbi Jacob Rybak was born in Brainsk Poland in1906. where reb Shimon Shkop was the town rav He studied in Bielsk yeshiva and learned how to become a shocet on ofin. He left europe quickly with another yeshiva bochur but could not get a visa to enter the United states even though he had an uncle who woul accept him.My father went to Cuba where he became a shochet. He joined the ashkenazic shul and contnued to learn torah .Unable to earn evn the barest living he learned how to be a tailor.His visa finally came up to join his uncle in New Britain Connecticut1n 1926.He became an itinerant shochet and made the rounds of towns in the vicinity of New Britain.Again unable to earn a living he came to another uncle on new yorks lower east side.He took jobs in the sweatshops but continued to learn at night in the polyisher shtibel in new york.He was an expert in tanach and wrote a manuscript in yiddish on chanukah…He married my mother Rishka in 1938 . Times were not good and they moved to a housing project in Red Hook brooklyn.My father contnued to learn before going to work and after coming home from the sweatshop.He took me to r.j.j.where i started kindergarden. During his many slack periods of work he went to the anshey maimod on henry street as well as mesiftha tferith yerusalayim to learn.A shul was established in Red hook and they needed someone to learn with the olam as well as answer routine sheylos.Sometimein the late 1940s my father decided to obtain smicha.he received smicha from Rav ELiezer Lipa Weisblum,Rav Chaim avraham Klein and Rav Nasan Nuta Dublinsky in the early 1950sHe became rav of the Meyer Levin Jewish Centerin Red Hook.Meyer Levin was a jewish Pilot who was killed when he bombed a japanese ship.My father was yiddish speaking and gave classes in tanach and talmud.My father became ill and we moved to the Rutgers stret housing project on the lower east side. I never saw my father happier than when he was able to daven and learn amongst the shuls and yeshiva he loved so much.He died in 1985 after a long illnes.My father never left his shteitel Brainsk Many of his family were killed in the holocaust.After leaving brainsk at 18 he never saw his parents again.His father died in 1939, his mother two brothers and a sister were killed in the holocaust.He had two sisters who lived in johannesburgh.His frumkeit and devotion to torah valueswas known to all who knew him.I cant remember a time he did not have a sefer in his hand.It was people like my father who under adverse conditions continued to remaiin role models for future generations
Mr. Rybak,
Where is your father buried? He seems to have a great torah past and very noteworthy biography here in the US, perhaps you can supply a photo of his tombstone to this site.
Thanks for the informative paragraphs.
I found a photo at the Center for Jewish Living digital collections about Rabbi dublinsky.It was an advertisement to sell chometz by Rabbi Dublinsky placed over another sign at 34 attorney street New York dated March 23 ,1933..Seeking additional information about burial sight.
In Hapardes (Oct. 1952, Sept. 1953) there is a paid anouncement about a fundraising operation for Rabbi Dublinsky.
He was the Rav in a few small towns in Lithuania prior to his coming to the US; Botica, Erwillig ans Rasain. The address given there is 271 East Brodway New York, NY.
The sign of selling the Chometz is placed on top of his original sign where you see his full name.
Rav Klein served as the Rav of Congregation Anshe Emeth of Coney Island (and n0t of his father’s shul Congregation Schulchan Uhrech Anshe Kutno)
Rabbi Chaim Avraham Klein (z’l) was my great-grandfather. My son is honored to carry his name now, as a soldier in the IDF. Rabbi Klein and his father, Rabbi Yisroel Klein (z’l), and many members of our family, have their kevarim in Block 9, Gate 9.