Rabbi Chaim Kotler
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Rav, Bridgeport, ConnecticutDate of Death:
Thu. March 19, 1931 -
Nissan 1 5691
Rosh Chodesh
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Congregation Adath Israel Cemetery - Fairfield, Connecticut
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Chaim Kotler
Biographical Notes:
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Any relation to Rav Aaron?
The obligatory question has been posed.
The Kotler name was Pines and was changed by Rav Aharon.
And answered.
Actually it was changed by his father to evade army draft.
It was changed by Rav Ahron, not his father.
What’s your source?
Rabbi Kotler was a Shochet, and belonged to the Chevra Mishnayos