Rabbi Elchonon Zev Teitz
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Rav, Aderes Eliyahu of Kew Gardens HillsDate of Death:
Sun. September 3, 2000 -
Tishrei 4 5761
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Sanhedriya Cemetery is located at the entrance of the Sanhedria neighborhood in Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), Location: a few kevarim up (towards the entrance) from Rav Ovadia Yosef.
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Memorial plaque displayed at Aderes Eliyahu (now Hashivanu), Credit: IFJCAH
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He was a Rav in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Then his son built him a Shul in K.G.H.
He was a brother of R. Mordechai Pinchas Teitz of Elizabeth, NJ.
He was a brother in law of Harav Simcha Sheps, zt”l, R”M in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas.