Rabbi Eliyahu Avroham Regensberg
Rav, Congregation Bnai Yisroel, Chicago, IllinoisDate of Death:
Thu. December 8, 1955 -
Kiselv 23 5716
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Waldheim Cemetery in Chicago maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Gate 24 - Bnai Israel, Lot # 72, Row # 34, Grave # 3
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Rabbi Eli Regensberg
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Short Bio
Photo Caption: Rav Eliyahu Avrohma Regensberg, Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America
Photo Caption: Rav Dov Menachem Regensburg (HYβD) of Zambrova, Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America
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