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- Yankel
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- susan
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- Susan
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Author Susan acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.The Real Person!
Author Susan acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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Was he related to Rav Yeruchem Gorelik and family? (Reb Yeruchem’s father’s name was R’ Avrohom Moshe).
I see there was another Rabbi Garelik, this one in New Haven CT, Reb Eliezer B”R Yeruchem Hillel Garelik.
Any info about him?
*Yechiel Hillel, was his fathers name
Reb Yechiel Hillel (The father of Reb Eliezer mentioned above) Garelik was also here in the US, he passed away in 1923 in Burlington, Vermont.
His father in law mentioned on the matzeiva was Reb Tzvi Hirsch Hakohen (interesting that in some places i see others with the same last name as Leveim) Dvoretzky who was the towns’ Ruv of Zittel.
Another son of Rtz”h was Reb Arye who was the Rav of Deivenitz, he was very intelligent and even knew/understood “animal language”… (http://tinyurl.com/bocdhqf)
Rabbi Garelik’s Father-In-law:
just visited Riverside but I wasn’t able to find his grave due the neglected shameful situation how this chelka of the Malach looks…