Rabbi Dr. Moshe Wechsler
ืืฉื ื"ืจ ืืฉืจืื
Rav, Congregation Bris Sholom, Yonkers, NYDate of Death:
Sun. February 23, 1919 -
Adar 23 5679
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Zion Cemetery in Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Section V, Block 8, Lot 6, Society: Zichron Efraim.
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: WECHSLER, MORRIS
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption:ย Rabbi Moshe Wechsler, Credit: IFJCAH
Photo Caption: Short Bio for Rabbi Moshe Wechsler
Source: New York Times
Bio Information:
The Rav who came here from Erlau, Hungary ย in 1885 served at Congregation Bris Sholom and the Hungarian Ohev Tzedek shul both in ย Yonkers and at Congregation Tiferes Yisroel in the Bronx. Among his seforim are Moshe Yedaber, Birkas Moshe and Vaysaper Moshe. He also was the editor of the Yiddisha Pressa and the New Yorker Tzeitung. ย The Rav was born in 1849.
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Mentioned here.
Brith Scholem was in the lower East side on Av. D
“Rev Morris Wechsler who died here yesterday aged 7O years was the minister of two orthodox congregations one of which was located on the lower Side the other in the Bronx He had been a minister in this city nearly forty years “
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ืชื ืฆื”ื
Rev. Morris Wechsler
Beloved Father
Died Feb. 22 1919
Where in Europe did he serve as Rav?
Hi Biography by Eisenstien:
He was born in Miahly, Hungary in 18489, came to the US in 1889
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I read it off the photo, can you fill in the blanks?
Did you find any other rabbonim there?
The fact about the children not been frum is unfortunately very common in that generation.
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ืชื ืฆืโื
Rev. Morris Wechsler
Beloved Father
Died Feb. 22 1919
Looks like:
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