Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Shmuel Marcus

שמואל ב"ר

Founding Rabbi, Congregation Beth El, Detroit, Michigan

Date of Death: Thu. March 30, 1854 - 5614 (1854, exact date in unknown)

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Cemetery Details
3371 East Lafayette
Detroit, MI 48207
United States



Cemetery Map:


Directions to Kever: Lafayette Cemetery of Temple Beth El - Detroit, Michigan

Biographical Notes:

In 1850 12 Orthodox men formed Detroit’s first Jewish congregation, the Beth El Society. In a characteristic pattern, they hired a rabbi, Rabbi Samuel Marcus of New York, who for $200 a year also served as the mohel, the shohet, the cantor, the teacher of the children, and the judge to settle community disputes. They rented a room in which to meet, set up a school, bought land for a cemetery, arranged for traditional burials, and formed societies to care for the sick, the poor, and the widows and orphans. Rabbi Marcus died in the cholera epidemic of 1854. Soon after (1856), the congregation spill up after many new reforms were introduced.

Credit: Twist

Credit: Dave

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