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- Uri B. Jeremias
The Real Person!
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- Susan
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- Avrohom J Neuwirth
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He has a grandson in KGH.
He wrote a Tshuva Sefer, “Zichron Yaakov” and his brother, R’ Nasan Nata Zuber who was a rav in Roselle, NJ also published, “Divrei Nasan.”
The brother also published a Sefer Zichron Menachem in memory of thier father Rabbi Menachem Mendel Zuber who was killed in Russia in the Pogrom era HY”D.
I just found that the two Zuber brothers were members of a society named “Meori Ohr” which published important Seforim post-war.
Other members were;
* Rabbi Yosef Mier Jacobson
* Rabbi Yom Tov Frilik
see link below for example:
There was a Rabbi Mendel Zuber in Monsey, the son of the Chief Rabbi of Stockholm, Sweden, during WWII. He had a son named Yisroel so doubtless it is the same family.
Hebrew Books had just aded a Kuntres for Tkunes Agunes written by Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Zuber and printed in Stockelholm in 1946, perhaps its the opposite way that Rabbi Zuber from Monsey was a sone of this rabbi Yaakov Yisroel.
Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Zuber was a Chabad Rabbi in Stockholm, Sweden during WWII. He was very instrumental in assisting Jewish war refugees who came to DP camps in Sweden after the war. During that time, Rabbi Zuber wrote a number of teshuvot which assisted agunot whose husbands’ whereabouts were unknown due to the war get remarried.
Following the war, Rabbi Zuber moved to Boston, Mass., where he became the Rabbi of a congregation. He lived there until his death in 1953.
Rabbi Zuber had four children: Sholom, Mendel, Leah and Chana. Sholom and Mendel both passed during the past decade. Lbc”lm, Leah Edelman (nee Zuber) lives with in Springfield, Mass., where her husband is a Chabad shliach. Chana Sharfstein (nee Zuber) lives in Crown Heights where her husband Mottel is affiliated with a number of Chabad yeshivot.
According to the website http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/peru.html#pij,
Rabbi Mendel Zuber, who was the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel, was involved in Jewish educational efforts with the indiginous Peruvian people.
(Taken from the above-referenced website:
Peruvian Indigenous Jews
The unique asset of Peru’s Jewish community is the number of indigenous Peruvians who have recently started practicing Judaism. These Jews are descendants of people who were converted to Catholicism when the Spanish took over Peru. Many of them believe that in order to observe the laws of the Bible you must practice Judaism. The community started out as five hundred people in three small towns in Peru. The Peruvians practiced Judaism, but the Jewish community in Lima would not convert them or accept them. In 1988 Rabbi Mendel Zuber came to Peru and studied with about three hundred people and got a Bet Din from Israel to do conversions. In 1991 the Bet Din converted some of them and helped them make aliyah to Israel. The Bet Din was supposed to come back few months later, but they changed their mind because some of the indigenous Peruvians decided to adopt a more secular life style. However they did not give up. Their efforts combined with some other leaders of the Jewish community got the Bet Din to come to Peru again to convert more people and help them move to Israel. In November 2001, 83 more people were converted and taken to Israel. The Bet Din says they will come back and convert more people once these immigrants have been absorbed.)
Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel is survived by tens of grandchildren and hundreds of great-grandchildren who carry on his tradition of Torah and good deeds.
I was fascinated by all this. It is about my father and our family. I am the youngest daughter. I am in the midst of writing a book about scandinavia in the aftermath of WWII and of course refer to my father’s deep involvement with the difficult issue of Agunot. This was truly exciting to see the Kever and all the interesting comments. Chana Sharfstein
Thank you for supplying some information about my grandfather OB”M on the web. I am the youngest daughter of Leah (Zuber) and have the privilege of working with my husband Rabbi Noach Kosofsky along side my parents in our Chabad shlichus in the Springfield area.
Yaakov Avinu Lo Mais – as long as his descendants are involved in Avodas HaKodesh, he is still alive with us.
The Kever of his brother Reb Nussen Nuta was just posted this morning.
Where is it possible to see “Zichron Yaakov”?
To Shlomo Kirschner, Please contact my nephew Yisroel Osher Zuber in Queens. He was involved in the publishing of this sefer which is now out of print. He probably can be helpful in your quest. Chana Sharfstein
As a child, I lived at 33 Howland Street in Roxbury from 1939 to 1949. Next door at # 31, lived the sainted Rabbi Zuber. As a child of 12-15 years, I used to walk with him to our Crawford Street shul and listen to him teaching mishna and Pirkei Avot. He was a sweet, humble, loving man and I was much attached to him. We moved from Roxbury to Chestnut Hill in 1949 and I never saw him again. When I heard of his tragic and untimely death at the hands of a group of young black thugs who tried to rob him of his two dollars, I wept bitterly. Even now, at the age of 78, I remember him lovingly. May his memory be for an eternal blessing.
Here is a link to a newspaper article about the murder of Rabbi Zuber:
Here is a picture of Rabbi Zuber learning:
My name is Ariel Zuber, I am the son of Mendel Zuber. Reading everything on this site has enlightened me on things I had not previously known about my grandfather, thank you for al the knowledge posted by other.
The complete matzeiva:
Some years ago I sent a message on this site recalling my childhood memories of the sainted and beloved Rabbi Zuber z”l. Now, at the age of 81, I still remember him vividly and how we walked together to Crawford Street shul. I was a child of 12-15 years when I lived next door to Rabbi Zuber. He touched my life by his gentleness and warmth. He paid attention to me, a young boy, who knew so little of life. The memories of this tzaddik continue to inspire me to this day. Yehi zichro baruch.
I am the oldest daughter of Chana Sharfstein. I enjoyed reading information on this site, much of which I knew already. I wonder if my grandfather Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Zuber ever lived in the town of Schedrin. My Uncle Mendel used to talk about Schedrin
I am Rabbi Nathan Zuber’s eldest great-granddaughter, and the eldest granddaughter of Emanuel Zuber. Please feel free to write me here or email me with any geneaological information you may have….
Dear Brooke, just saw your comment. I would love to meet you. I remeber your grandfather Mendel/Manny Zuber and Dolores, his wife and my uncle note and Saidy, his second wife whom he married after Chana, his first wife died. Please contact me.
There is a photo of Rabbi Zuber’s tombstone and many comments from children , family & friends.
At age 86 and a retired (and tired) Conservative rabbi, the childhood memories of my relationship with the holy and sainted Rabbi Yisrael Zuber, ztz”l are as clear in my mind today as they were at age 15. He touched my life in such a way that 72 years later I still remember him and treasure his memory.
May his memory be for an eternal blessing. Ken yehi ratzon. Amen.
Chana Scharfstein… in 1972 I studied for a short time at Hadar HaTorah, thanks to the advice and help of the wonderful Rabbi Yisroel Jacobson z”l.
I had the honor of meeting with the Rebbe ztz”l on two separate occasions. Wonderful memories. The seed was planted within me 72 years ago by your sainted and beloved father. It is amazing how hashgacha pratit works. Zei gezunt un a frailich un zeesen Pesach.
Even now at almost age 88 I remember vividly the sainted and beloved Rabbi Jacob Zuber z’tz”l who was my next-door neighbor in Roxbury, MA where my father davened in Beth HaMidrash HaGadol, the Crawford Street shul. As a young boy of 14-15 years old I enjoyed walking to shul with Rabbi Zuber to listen to his teachings and commentaries. He touched my life as few others have done. And his memory lives on within me. I wish I could one day meet with some living members of his beloved family. I live in Great Neck, Long Island, New York. e-mail: ivrianochi196@gmail.com
I also heard from Rav Zuber’s son that during the war he was able to secure passage to Sweden during the war and save many many families
I just cannot recall the details
Perhaps Reb Shea and his brother can fill in
Does anyone know where I can get the original book Rabbi Zuber Wrote. not a reprint.