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- Uri B. Jeremias
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- mordcha s. derbarmdiger
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- Susan
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- Avrohom J Neuwirth
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איפה נקבר אביו?
his father us also inkiryas yoel
his father us also in kiryas yoel, he was the SIL from R’ Usher Uone Weinbereger
for more details visit
I believe he was the first Rosh HaKollel in Satmar.
R’ Mechele was an extraordinary person, full of anovoh and yiraas shomayim, always with a smile to everybody. His father an extremely holy man, a paradigm of yiraas shomayim and tzidkus, an ish yosher meod. Yehei zichrom boruch.
The Beserminer Rov, R ’Mechel zt”l was among the first and greatest talmidim of the late Satamar Rebbe, the Baal Divrei Yoel Zy”o here in America. Other Talimidim would recall that he was beloved as “a sibling” beim Rebbe’n.
When he attended his first shiur given by the Satmar Rov, wish his great knowledge and bren of torah he start to Mefalpel with the Rebbe. Thinking he is too young to debate the Rebbe the older talimidim tried quieting him. The Rebbe noticed and said to let him finish. “Der Kleiner Farstheit Lernen” the little one understands learning said the Rebbe.
He was also a Talmid Muvhak of Rav Michoel Ber Weismandel Zy”o of Nitra.
He would always repeat many Divrei Torah and Anecdotes of his great Rebbes and remembers many maamorim from them that are printed in his name.