Rabbi Yehuda Leib Kagan
יהודה ליב ב"ר שלמה אביגדור הכהן
Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Rabbeinu Yaakov Yosef (RJJ), Lower East SideDate of Death:
Sat. December 23, 1972 -
Teves 18 5733
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Har Hazesim (Mount of Olives) Cemetery - Jerusalem, Israel. It is strongly recommended for those unfamiliar with the cemetery to go with a guide. In addition, security is at times a concern. Location: Society: Prushim, Gush: 2 - Middle (EmTzoyei) , Chelek: 16. Line: 5, Number: 11
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rabbi Yehuda Leib Kagan, Credit: Needed
Photo Caption: RJJ Graduation Ceremony (Chag Hasmicha) c.1955, 1. Rav Tzvi Hirsh Cohen (Upper West Side) 2. Mr. Benjamin Koenigsberg (BOD at RJJ and chairman for its Committee on Jewish Education), 3. Dovid “Dutchka” Hyman of Brooklyn, 4. Needed, 5. Needed, 6. Rav Yehuda Leib Kagan, 7. Rav Mendel Kravitz, Credit: Needed
Photo Caption: Rav Yehuda Leib Kagan, Source: 1958 RJJ Yearbook
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4. Rabbi Avroham Kravitz (unconfirmed), I knew Rabbi Kravitz and that’s defiantly not him.
He was the principal at Salanter before he came to RJJ.
I enjoyed Rabbi Kagan’s semi annual bechinah. It helped me become an attorney and a cpa.
Semi annual tests at rjj and collecting a paycheck to avoid poverty.
Rabbi Kagan’s passing is a profound tragedy.
I believe that Reb Yehudah shall rise again and resume his rightful place amongst the gedolim of the lower east side.
Rabbi Kagan was a king of kings.
Hi Moe,
Do you know what year Rabbi Avrohom Kravitz passed away?
Many people believe that Reb Yehuda is the moshiach.
Attn: Joseph Kanner: #4 is definitely NOT Rabbi Avrohom Kravitz ZTL; He was Nifter on the second day of Chol Hamoed Succos, 1966;