Rabbi Yosef Hirsch
יוסף ב"ר זאב צבי
Torna RavDate of Death:
Fri. January 18, 1980 -
Shvat 1 5740
Rosh Chodesh
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Directions to Kever: Washington Floral Park Cemetery, also known as Deans Cemetery located in Monmouth Junction, New Jersey maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Bobover section, North Second Street corner of Park Blvd.
Biographical Notes:
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R. Yosef b. Zev Tzvi Hirsch (c. 1916-1980) rabbi of Tarnova. A genius with a photographic memory, he was a Torah scholar with vast knowledge in all areas of Torah scholarship. Disciples tell that when an complication occurred in their studies, they would gently engage him in conversation, mention an item or two about the subject, and he would discuss the topic for hours with references in Talmud, halacha, old and recent authors. He was born in Cracow and educated by his illustrious Father, at a young age his reputation preceded him and scholars would rush to engage with him in Torah discussions.
After his marriage he was appointed a dayyan in the Cracow Bet Din where he served until the Holocaust. After the War, his wife and children perished in Auschwitz, he went to Paris where he occupied himself with Augnah resolution issues. Subsequently he assumed the rabbinate of Tarnova, and emigrated to the USA. He was survived by his second wife and a single son.
His erudite knowledge is evident from the many seforim he wrote in all areas of halachic jurisprudence. Many have been published. A sickly man he engaged in Torah study 24/7, he refused all assistance – and survived on meager earnings. R. Hirsch passed on at the age of 64, his funeral was attended by thousands of mourners and was interred in the Bobov section of the Floral Park – Washington Cemetery (N.J.), New Jersey.