Rebbe Baruch Yosef Sack
ברוך יוסף ב"ר ישראל
Kobriner Rebbe, New YorkDate of Death:
Tue. June 14, 1949 -
Sivan 16 5709
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Judah Cemetery - Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Society: DEGEL MOCHNE IS, Section: 2, Block: 7, Gate: 6, along Jefferson Avenue on the left side
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: SACK, BORUCH (RABBI)
Biographical Notes:
Photo Credit: Virtualjudaica reference library
Photo Credit: Yitz Twersky, Kew Gardens Hills, NY
Photo Caption: 1. Rebbe Yitzchok Twersky, Squarer Rebbe of Borough Park, 2. The Rebbe at a Bar Mitzva
Source: The Jewish Morning Journal, March 6, 1917
Source: The Jewish Morning Journal, February 16, 1923
Source: The Jewish Morning Journal, December 14, 1924
Photo Caption: Kever of Rabbi Nachman Yisroel Sack d. 1983 at the Chapel Hill Memorial Park, Largo, Florida, Credit: Charlie Cabiac, Daytona Beach, FL
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When did he come to America?
Baruch pointed out the reason for the gate on the left is because they mistakenly (how does that happen) buried a women right next to him, so the kids who later came to America (is this correct) had a mechitzah put up. Interesting.
2 Rebettzins buried right next to The Rebbes wife – who are they and how are they related to him?
Daughter of Buhush Rebbe:¤t=IMG_1488.jpg
Daughter of (other) Kobriner Rebbe:¤t=IMG_1488.jpg#!
Shot taken from inside:¤t=IMG_1490.jpg&
Birchas Yosef (Authored by the Rebbe)
The Rebbe’s mother was Bas Sheva daughter of Reb Boruch of Safilkov descendant of the Degel Machne Efraim of Sadilkov grand son of the Baal Shem Tov.
So that marker is of the Rebbe’s mother.
The Rebbe lists his mother’s date when she passed away as 7 Cheshvan 1924,
(I don’t know why her father is called Bahusher when the Rebbe himself writes on him Sadilkover
Thanx BBZ. I realized the link for teh Kobriners’ daughter was wrong – this is the the correct one.
How is she related to the Rebbe?
She was his first wifem that is why he was called the Kobriner Rebbe after his Father-in-law.
His Second wife Itta was the daughter of Reb Nachmen (?) and she passed away after him.
YD Miller wrote: His Second wife Itta was the daughter of Reb Nachmen (?) and she passed away after him.
You are right BBZ, my memory aint serving any longer.
The Rebbetzin A”H –¤t=IMG_1487.jpg
Rebbetzin Ita. 2nd wife. The contrast is light but is legible.¤t=IMG_2224.jpg&newest=1
It is interesting that the Matzeiva was put up by HER kids and they are referring to the Kobriner Rebbe as a third party.
Hi- I am actually the great- granddaughter of the Kobriner Rebbe and would very much appreciate being in touch with anyone who knows anything about the Kobriner rebbe, the chassidus, or the family. It is of such importance to us and I am trying to piece the pieces together….Thank you.
Hi Ziva,
Do you know from which wife of the Kobriner Rebbe your are a GG-Daughter? or from which one of his children?
David Horovitz who married Ethel, daugther of Hadegel, had a daughter Rivka Reizl who was married to Arie Lieb Gutman of Sadlikov whose son Baruch Yosef of Sadilkov had a daughter Bat Sehva who was married to Israel of Kralissov, and one of their sons was Baruch Yosef Zak of Kobrin.
But David Horovitz and Ethel (daughter of Hadegel) also had a son Yaacov Horovitz (brother of Rivka Reizl mother of Baruch Yosef of Sadilkov).
I’m a descendant of this Yaacov Horovitz who was 5th generation to the Baal Shem Tov and 3rd generation to the Hadegel.
I have no details about him only that he had a son in Urkraine (Berdichev? Kiev? Skvira?) called Avraham Melech who changed the family name from Horovitz to Rabinovich.
Does anyone know anything about Yaacov Horovitz and his son Avraham Melech Rabinovich?
This Avraham Melech Rabinovich had a son Natan Nuta who lived in Berdichev.
Thank you
I do not think the rebbitzen Yitta had children with the Kobriner Rebbe. His children were from his first wife. Rebbetzin Naomi Twersky from California was his daughter. She has a son Baruch.
I am the great grandson of Rabbi Nachman Perlmutter. Rebbetzin Yitta Sacks was my great aunt. My grandmother was Rochel Perlmutter Rosenblum, Rebbitzen’s Yitta’s sister.
So how is he related to Bahusher rabbi ?
YD, my apologies for not having seen this when you originally posted. I am his great-grandaughter through his first wife, Chaya, who passed away at a young age. The Rav and Chaya had a son and two daughters. My grandmother is their youngest, Miriam Sarah.
Which, Amihud, makes us related, though I apologize that I do not know more about your great-grandfather’s side of the family. Happy to ‘meet’ you here though.
Rav Nachman, the Rav did have one child with his second wife, Yitta, and she was in fact that Naomi Twersky, whom you mentioned. She also had three daughters in addition to her son Baruch- Aviva, Shoshana, and Malki.
I also just thought to mention: my great-grandmother, Chaya- Rav Boruch Yosef Zack’s first wife- was the daughter of the previous Kobriner Rebbe, whose name was Rav David Shlomo Rabinovitch. I don’t know if it is the same family as your Rabinovitch, but might be worth looking in to. Rav Dovid Shlomo was the great grandson of the famous Rav Moshe M’Kobrin.
I’m trying to figure out how he was related to Rav Bush/Buskis, and to the Guttman & Kelemer family.
Ben Bee Zee
It was already posted above by AMIHUD RABINOVICH BARAV his relation to the Guttman family
I heard recently that people had yeshuos after davening at his kever.
Rabbi Israel Nathan Sack (1908-1983), son of Grand Rabbi Baruch Yosef Sack and Ida Rabinowitz, married my mother’s first cousin, Sophie (Syde) Cohen (1913-1985), daughter of Yossef and Lena Cohen. I attended their wedding celebration in Brooklyn in the late 1940’s. The graves of Israel Nathan and Syde Sack are in Chapel Hill Memorial Park, in Largo (Pinellas County), Florida. Although Israel Nathan and Syde Sack had no children,m the Rabbi did have children from a previous marriage.
Link to tombstone of Rabbi Israel Nathan Sack (1908-1983) and Syde (Cohen) Sack (1913-1985), in Chapel Hill Memorial Park, Largo, Florida.
Title (English) Sekhel Tov
Title (Hebrew) שכל טוב השלם
Author R. Baruch Joseph Sack
City New York
Publisher Shulsinger Bros.
Publication Date 1941
Ethics and other writings by R. Baruch Joseph Sack (1887-1949), born in Krasilov. He studied with his cousin, R. Shalom Bush of Krasilov, and his father-in-law, R. David Solomon Rabinowitz (Admor of Kobrin). He immigrated to the Land of Israel in 5673 [1913]. R. Sack was in the process of establishing a settlement for Hasidim when World War I broke out and he was exiled to Egypt. Sack remained there until he was brought by Hasidim of Kobrin to America. At first he served as the rabbi of Anshei Kobrin on New York’s Lower East Side, but his followers later established a synagogue for him, Degel Mahane Yisrael, in Brooklyn.
I made a mistake: the name of the son of Yaacov Horovitz (son of Ethel and David Horovitz) was Avraham Dov Helavy who changed the family name to Rabinovich. Avraham Dov had a son Natan Nuta Rabinovich of Berdichev who called one of his son after his father, Avraham Dov Rabinovich. This son married Rachel daugther of Moshe Yehezkel Hacohen Kritzman (in Tarutin)-author of Lekatim Mazhirim-, son of Levi Meir Hacohen Kritzmen, descendant of the SCHACH. Avraham Dov and Rachel (Kritzman) Rabinovich had two sons: Levi Meir Rabiovich and Yechiel Rabinovich was was my grand father.
So the yehoos for Yehciel Rabinovich is: -from his father side: 9th generation to the Baal Shem Tov . 7th generation to Hadegel, and descendant of the SHLAH (via David Halevi Horovitz)- and from his mother side, descendant of the SCHACH.
I know nothing about Yaacov Horovitz.
can anyone help?
I also saw recently that David Halevu Horovitz- son in law of Hadegel has passed away around 1830 and that his widow remarried to Wisbrud and had several children.
Does any one know if there is any truth in this?
In response to the first question, “When did he come to America?”… On his Petition for Naturalization, filed in 1927, Rabbi Sack said he was born in Krasilow, Russia, on 13 Mar 1886 and came to the U.S. via Naples “on or about the 15th day of September 1916” on the ship Re[gina] d’Italia. I looked for the ship manifest on and on the Ellis Island web site but couldn’t find it.
His great grandson is Joel Landau, the nursing home guy.
Rabbi Dovid Lenchitz z”l, a talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler in Lakewood was a grandson. His mother, Tzippa Yetta, was a daughter of the Kobriner Rav