Rebbe Moshe Rokeach
משה ב"ר מאיר
Koslover Rebbe of New YorkDate of Death:
Thu. October 8, 1970 -
Tishrei 8 5731
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Beth David Cemetery in Elmont, NY maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Section: AA2, Along Emanual Avenue between Lincoln and Washington Avenue, (next to the 99'er Shul section, very visible).
Biographical Notes:
Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America (MAC)
Photo Caption: The Rebbe is seated at the far left corner (fourth over from Rav Moshe Feinstein), Credit: MAC
Credit: MCA
Credit: Yoel Rosenfeld
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This is his father:
The Rebbe had a tremendous collection of old and rare seforim. Today the collection is by his son Reb Meir the present Kozolover. At the end of the “Hadras Kodesh” Shulchan Aruch, there is a thanks to Reb Meir Rokach of Kosolov for use of his library.
Had the zchus, and good fortune, to be alongside my father, z”l, as we were mispallelim in his beis medrash on President Street in Crown Heights. A yerei shamayim meyuchad…bechiyos at every tefillah…warm and kind.
He put my tefillin on…I have yet, regrettably, to come close what he bentched me with. I still think of him very often.
He also had a grand library of many hundreds of very old, well maintained and catalogued seforim. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, z”l would frequent the library.
The Koslover, z”l was an extraordinary figure in our dor. Yehi zichroi baruch.
I’m looking for additional information on his Beis Medrash at President Street, perhaps there are still senior mispallelim among us who remember details about the Shul, and are willing to be interviewed?
I’m working on the biography of a frequent mispallel at his Shul, any additional information would be appreciated.
Please feel free to contact me at