Rebbe Pinchos Shalom Rottenberg
פינחס שלום ב"ר משה שמואל הלוי
Kosoner Rebbe of the BronxDate of Death:
Tue. July 12, 1966 -
Tammuz 24 5726
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Washington Floral Park Cemetery, also know as Deans Cemetery located Monmouth Junction, New Jersey maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: North Third Street and Park Lane, across from the Bobover Section
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Standing behind the Rebbe is his son-in-law, Rebbe Avroham Eichenstein, Chicago Ziditchover Rebbe, Credit: Chicago Rabbis
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The rebbe’s shul was in Pelham Parkway in the Bronx. Eventually his son R’ Mehsulem zt”l moved to Boro Park. He was nifter several years ago.
Azi, your mistaking with his other son R’ Menachem Yisroel.
I believe one of his children was a toyen and another (or maybe the same) lived in Flatbush.
R’ Menachem Yisroel, took over his fathers shul & later moved 2 B. P. at 14 & 44′ he was a Toyen 2, his brother R’ Meshulem lives in B. P. at 18 & 49.
So how is he related to the current Kossoner Rebber and his brother R’ Leibush Rottenberg in Monsey?
Grandfather, they R the children of R’ Menachem Yisroel.
r. menachem yisrael’s father started the shteibel and then he served as rebbe until he moved to b.p.; when he died he sprouted into a rebbe in b.p; a rebbe in flatbush; a rebbe in monsey and a rebbe in london…….kain yirbu
& 1 in ארץ ישראל . . .
R’ Pinchas Sholem Z”L, was my uncle–his sons were Menachem Yisroel z’l, and Meshulam, who lives today in B’Nai Brak. Pinchas Sholem was the brother of my father, Yehuda Dov Rottenberg,z”l from Kosony.
Reb Chaim Leibish Rottenberg of Monsey is the son of Menachem Yisroel.
Pearl, so you’re a 1st cousin to Menachem Yisroel and Meshulem? I have many pictures of both of them if you’re interested I can email you some.
azi, yes please email me some pictures. I am interested.
Thanks in advance
I dont have your email address. you can find it on this site:
Yes, please email me at….I am so excited~!!
To AZI—-You said you have pictures of my cousins-how can I get copies? Please…..
I am looking to connect with the daughters of Rabbi Rottenberg that had a shul on Mulliner Ave on Pelham Parkway in the Bronx. I went to the shul and to school with the girls and lost contact with them when I married and moved away.
Anyone that has any information about the girls I would appreciate it.
Thank You
Adrienne Shwarzman
Are any of the Rottenbergs here related to Rabbi Eliezer Halevi Rottenberg, (1825–1853?) from Busk, Kamionka Strumilowa, L’vivs’ka, Poland now Ukraine
Death 13 FEB 1853 • נפטר ה’ אדר א’ תרי”ג
I ran across this site while searching for information about him. Thank you, and I appreciate the good works you are doing.
C. Roth
adrienne shwarzman
Hi. Miriam lives in Monsey NY . Her last name is Berger. Rivka Tzirel lives in Eretz Yisroel.
Miriam Berger works in a school Bnos Derech Yisroel on Route 45. I spoke with her a few months ago. Baruch Hashem they are all well.
What was the address of the shtiebel on Muliner Ave?
Before multimeter ave the kossiner was on Longfellow ave.