Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rebbe Mordechai Chodorov

מרדכי ב"ר חיים יהודה מאיר

Tolna Vizhnitz Rebbe

Date of Death: Thu. October 7, 1937 - Cheshvan 2 5698

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
122 Arthur Kill Road
Staten Island, NY 10306
United States

Phone: 718-351-0230


Cemetery Map:

Notes: Cemetery gates are open: Sunday: 8:00AM-12:00PM Mon –Thu: 8:00AM-4:00PM Friday: 8:00AM-2:30PM Restrooms are located at the rear of the office building.

Directions to Kever: United Hebrew Cemetery in Staten Island maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Cong Gedulath Morei, Block: 63, Row: 5 (from the back), Grave: 7 (from left), along 1st Street

Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Chodrow

Biographical Notes:

Chodorov Father
Photo Caption: Rebbe Mordechai Chodorov, Credit: Yitz Twersky
vishiver and chodorov pic
Photo Caption: Rebbe Mordechai Chodrov (glasses), Rebbe Menachem Mendel Hager of Visheve (d. 1941), and Rebbe Menachem Chodrov (standing)

Chodorov and Vishiva Seated
Photo Caption: (R-L) Rebbe Menachem Mendel Hager of Visheve (d. 1941), Rebbe Mordechai Chodorov, and Rebbe Mendele Chodorov

Bio Information:
The Rebbe’s grandfather, Rebbe Dovid of Tolna (d. 1878), was the son of the Chernobyler Maggid, Rebbe Mordechai Twerski (d. 1837).

Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY

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