Rebbe Mordechai Shapiro
מרדכי ב"ר שלומה דוב
Kaminker Koritz RebbeDate of Death:
Tue. May 20, 1947 -
Sivan 1 5707
Rosh Chodesh
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Mount Lebanon Cemetery in Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Block: E, Section: 9, Society: BURSHIVKER, along Washington Avenue, left side towards the back
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: SHAPIRO, MOTTEL
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rebbe Mottel Shapiro, Credit: Chaim Kowalsky
Photo Caption: Rebbe Mottel Shapiro, Credit: Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro, Kew Gardens Hills
Source: The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 21 May 1947, page 13
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The Kaminker rebbe’s son Rabbi Solomon Shapiro lived in Queens. He has a shul on Main Street.
Rabbi Shapiro is still living BA”H, they are direct descendants of Reb Pinchas Schapiro known as reb Pinchas Koritzer Ztz”l.
Its an intresting style Matzieve, I dont think you would see a lay-down matzieve in Europe on the Kevarim of Chasidicshe rebbes.
It appears to be a Rabbinic American style tzion, similar to RJJ, RAMA”Z, Rav Hillel Klien est.
YD Miller, thanks, i meant “lives”
I met him and have spoken to him on the phone a few times, was just a typo.
Its still hard to name it a “American Style” based on this few rabbanim, while a vast majority have the europen Traditional tumbstones.
He has an Haskomeh on the Lekutim Yekurim, it appears that he knew Rabbi Shochet well, does the son continue in a Hasidic Rebbe fashion or just as a Rabbi?
Rabbi Solomon Shapiro of Queens is the SIL of Rabbi Yitzcok Sadden who lived in the Bronx, where is he buried?
Rav Yitzchok Sodden ZT”L was my grandfather he is burried in Mount Lebanon in Queens. Rabbi Shapiro is my uncle.
Do you have a photo of Rabbi Sodden’s tumbstone?
This is a link to his sefer, Toldos Yitzchak:
Upon his passing;
Upon 6 years of his death:
Rabbi Shapiro’s son Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro
what is the full address of the shull and the rabbi
Is there a photo of him?
Rabbi Mordcha had a daughter Gittel (Gertrude).
Any information on her and her family?
How was Reb Mordechai a defendant of the Reb Shmuel kaminka ?
Rabbi Mordechai (Mottel) Shapiro
→ Gittel Shapiro
→ Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Kaminka
→ daughter of Rabbi Shmuel II of Kaminka
→ Rabbi Shmuel of Kaminka II