by lizensk12 | May 10, 2013 | Baron Hirsh Cemetery, Brooklyn / S.I., NY, New York
יוסף ב"ר יהודה ליב
Rav, Brooklyn, NY
Date of Death: Sat. June 22, 1935 - Sivan 21 5695
by lizensk12 | May 9, 2013 | Baron Hirsh Cemetery, Brooklyn / S.I., NY, New York
יחיאל זאב ב"ר אריה ליב מרדכי
Rav, Brooklyn, NY
Date of Death: Thu. February 18, 1932 - Adar I 11 5692
by lizensk12 | May 8, 2013 | Baron Hirsh Cemetery, Brooklyn / S.I., NY, New York
מנחם מענדל ב"ר לוי יצחק
Rav, Brooklyn, NY
Date of Death: Wed. June 17, 1942 - Tammuz 2 5702
by lizensk12 | Apr 18, 2013 | Mt. Hebron (Main Street) Cemetery, New York, Queens / L.I., NY
מנחם זאב ב"ר יצחק
Rav, Congregation Leches Yoshar of Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Date of Death: Thu. August 29, 1957 - Elul 2 5717
by lizensk12 | Apr 8, 2013 | Mount Judah Cemetery - Queens, New York, Queens / L.I., NY
חיים נחמן ב"ר יהושע הכהן
Tzaddik Nistar of New York City
Date of Death: Thu. April 12, 1928 - Nissan 22 5688
Acharon Shel Pesach
by lizensk12 | Apr 3, 2013 | Beth David Cemetery - Long Island, New York, Queens / L.I., NY, Wellwood Cemetery - Long Island
משה ב"ר אליעזר צבי
Rav, Beth Hamidrash Hagodol of Washington Heights
Date of Death: Sat. April 10, 1982 - Nissan 17 5742
The Real Person!
The Real Person!