Rabbi Elimelech Edlin
ืืืืืื ืโืจ ืื ืื ื ืืื
Rav, Congregation Sons of Jacob, Haverstraw, NYDate of Death:
Tue. January 9, 1906 -
Teves 12 5666
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Repose Cemetery is located in Haverstraw along Rt202. Location: Jewish Section, 2nd entrance on Rt. 202
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Rev Elimelech Edlin
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Search and Rescue in the days after theย Haverstraw Landslide, Credit:ย The Historical Society of Rockland County
Bio Information:ย
The Rav was killed trying to rescue other members of his congregation during the infamous Haverstraw Landslide which took place on January 8, 1906.
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Thanx to BBZ, this is what reads on the marker;
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Wonder which way is Mizrach?
From the Wiki page on this town: “The village announced in 2007, the 101 anniversary of the landslide, that a memorial would be erected in honor of the victims of the landslide.”
Can someone find a picture of this memorial? It would be interesting to see how the rabbi was identified on it, ie rabbi or not.
See a reference to tha rabbi (spelled Adlin) here:
There was an article in Hamodia a while back with all the details of the landslide. Some yidden made there way to his kever for the yartzeit in the last number of years. This area had a tremendous industry back then and most of the beautiful brownstones in NY were made from these bricks in Haverstraw. No surprise that yidden were working in the area and started a small kehillah.
All the markers of the people who died in the landslide are laid the opposite of the entire cemetery. They probably stareted burying one way and then they decided it’s better to lay the other way.
The date on the marker reflects the date when they were buried the day the landslide happened was the night to 12 Teves.
I could not find anything relating to the Biography of the Rabbi Adlin all I know about him I posted on the link Rabbi/Mr. Asher posted above.
Thank you Reb Boruch for posting it.
Also, the NYT article doesn’t indicate he was helping to save anyone, just that he was inside a house that fell down. Later in the article they list who died saving others. Also, if he did die saving people they probably would have mentioned it on his stone, which they did not.
I took the information from various sources including other newspaper articles. The information that he assisted the Nelson family was also in a NYT article dated January 15 1906.