Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Meir Amsel

מאיר ב"ר אברהם

Rav, Congregation Yeshivas Hamaor, Boropark, Brooklyn

Date of Death: Sat. January 13, 2007 - Teves 23 5767

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
Wellwood Avenue
West Babylon (Farmingdale), NY 11704
United States

Phone: 631-249-2300


Cemetery Map:


Directions to Kever: Wellwood Cemetery in Long Island maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Block: 28, Row: 5, Grave: 11, Society: CONG ARUGATH HABOSEM, off South Avenue, to the right of the Tezelmer Rav's ohel, along the back fence.

Name Listed on Cemetery Database: MAX AMSEL

Biographical Notes:

Amsel Meir pic
Photo Caption: Rav Meir Amsel, c. 1999, Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY
Photo Caption: Rav Meir Amsel greeting Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lubavitcher Rebbe on Hoshana Rabbah 1987, Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History
Amsel Meir pic 2
Photo Caption: Rav Meir Amsel, c. 1960 in Monticello, NY checking the eruv, Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY

In Memorial
Rav Shmuel Engel of Radomshil (d. 1935)

Engel Shmule 11

Photo Caption: Rav Shmuel Engel Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America’s Archives
Engel Shmule 22
Photo Caption: Rav Shmuel Engel, Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America’s Archives

Photo Caption: Rav Amsel in his Bais Medrash over Sukkas, Credit: IFJCAH

Bio Information:
Rav Meir Amsel  a talmud (disciple) of Rav Shmuel Engel of Radomshil, was the editor of the monthly rabbinical journal Hamaor for over fifty years and established a Mikva near his shul, among the first in the area.

Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY

Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY

Credit: Map to the kever of Rav Meir Amsel

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