Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rabinowitz
משה חיים ב"ר צבי נחום
Rav, Congregation Etz Chaim of Brownsville, BrooklynDate of Death:
Sat. November 3, 1934 -
Cheshvan 25 5695
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Mount Zion Cemetery in Queens maintains computerized records and will provided a detailed location map upon request. Society: HURAV Path: MRL, Gate: 13, two graves in
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: RABINOWITZ, MOSES HYMAN
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rabinowitz
Bio Information:
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ר’ משה חיים ראבינוביץ היה מגדולי ההוראה והעומדים על הדת באמעריקא הוא היגר לכאן בשנת תרמ”ח 1888 מעיר לובטשע שבפלך מינסק, אביו היה אב”ד דעיר ההוא, שם בלובטשע הצטיין בלימודו וקבע לו שיעורים עם התלמידי חכמים המפורסמים והרבנים וגדולי העיר, במיוחד היה לו קביעת שיעורים עם אב”ד לומז’ה שהתפרסם אח”כ ע”ש ספרו ‘דברי מלכיאל’, גם למד במינסק אצל גדולי הרבנים דשם.
כאמור היגר לארה”ב בשנת תרמ”ח ונתקבל כרב ומנהיג העדה בבראנזוויל, והוציא תקנות לחיזוק הדת והרמת קרן התורה וכבוד הרבנות, זכה לשיבה טובה ונפטר בשנת תרצ”ב בגיל פ”ב שנה, והשאיר אחריו חיבורים בכתובים על כל מקוצועות התורה.
Looking on this map:
i can not locate the path “mrl”.
Rabbi Rabinowitz was known as the “Gaon of Brownsville” On his Matzeive is written that he left lots of Chidushai Torah in writings, did this anytime saw light?
What about children? Today is his Yahrtziet
It’s along the “Left Section” path in the area of the word “Section” on the right side it is surrounded by poll fence.
Thanks rabbi stern, it’s the 4th grave in.
just received an email from Rabbi Farshlufen. he saw here that the Rabbbi’s yurtzeit is today so he went by and said some tehilim. should he have gepoilt all the best for himself and all klal yisroel.
Miller, His daugther:
שיינע פעשא אשת ר’ ראובן זאב קאלמאן
is burried a few graves next to his.
A special sefer by the famous writer Rabbi Eisenstat called קול בכי http://hebrewbooks.org/pdfpager.aspx?req=24258&pgnum=1 was written by him after he past away
I saw a tooreh even his notes in the side margin it was donated to YU by his famil
Ben Bee Zee, it should read תרצ”ה, not תרצ”ב.
“Rabbi Rabinowitz was survived by one son Dr Harris M and two daughters Mrs Bessie Colman and Mrs JS Minkin the wife of Rabbi Minkin”
Who was rabbi Minkin?
Based on what Eisensdatdt writes in the above mentioned קול בכיי he first came in 1888 to NYC where he served as Dayan under Chief Rabbi RJJ, the in 1892 he went over to Brownsville
Rabbi Minkin mentioned above as the SIL of Rabbi Rabinowitz, was Jacob S. Minkin who was a conservative Rabbi in Rochester and author of many books.
Apparently, even the Conservative community recognized his saintliness and greatness in Torah. Here’s what Abelow has to say:
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rabinowitz, 1854 1935, for forty two years spiritual leader of Congregation Etz Chaim Machzike Harav, 467 Stone Avenue, was at the time of his death not only the oldest rabbi in Brooklyn, but in point of Jewish learning and length of service, the dean of American Orthodox rabbinate. Although keenly alive to present day Jewish problems, currents and movements, he represented a type of rabbi which in this country has ceased to be popular. He was one of the last of a vanishing line of rabbis whom one has come to associate with the scholar-rabbis in Eastern Europe half a century ago [Ed.: referencing c. 1880]. If comparisons are to be made one is to look for his equal among the great rabbinical saints and scholars in Russia and Poland who by their life and by their work had continued the Jewish tradition of scholarship.
Rabbi Rabinowitz was born in Lubtsch, Russia. He was initiated into Talmudic scholarship by his father Rabbi Zvi Nahum and studied with the great masters of Vilna and Kovno especially with the Gaon, Rabbi Yitzhok Elhanan. He wandered from one city to another in Europe in search of knowledge, until he landed in New York City in 1886. There he came under the influence of Chief Rabbi Jacob Joseph, who inspired the young rabbi to assume charge of Congregation Etz Chaim Machzike Harav of Brownsville. In this community, Rabbi Rabinowitz was instrumental in the organization of the Stone Avenue Talmud Torah, the Hachnossath Orchim, a community hostelry, in spreading the ideals of Zionism, and in advancing the principles of Orthodox Judaism.
While Rabbi Rabinowitz wrote many articles and many commentaries on the Talmud, nothing did he publish during his lifetime. Those works which have a bearing on problems of modern Jewish life will be published by his heirs.
Rabbi Rabinowitz was survived by one son, Dr. Harris M, and two daughters, Mrs Bessie Colman and Mrs JS Minkin, the wife of Rabbi Minkin.
In the words of Rabbi Minkin:
Like all deeply religious men Rabbi Rabinowitz was not a fanatic. His tolerance of men and ideas outside his own conviction was deep and thorough. His Judaism was without fanaticism, his piety without bigotry, his saintliness without sanctimoniousness. The sceptic, the doubter, the unbeliever was not made to feel ill at ease in his company. He was loved and admired by all for the shrewdness of his wit, the clarity of his mind, the generosity of his heart, and the depth and wisdom of his remarks. It was sin and not the sinner that he despised. The latter he endeavored to win and enlighten, not to rebuke. With the patience and humility of Hillel, he loved all Jews, saints and sinners, believers and sceptics, scholars and simple-hearted men
I recently found a heter meah rabanim that he wrote
Greetings, I am a relation (great-great grand daughter in CA) and am grateful to have all this information above. Thank you.
Greetings again, I just did the math. He would be my great great great grandfather.