Rabbi Moshe Zerwich
ืืฉื ื"ืจ ืฆืื
Rav, New york CityDate of Death:
Thu. February 22, 1900 -
Adar I 23 5660
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Directions to Kever: Although in a constant state of cleanup, Bayside Cemetery along Pitkin Avenue in Queens is in extreme disarray and can be dangerous, use caution when visiting!!! In the event of an emergency call 911. Location: Gate: 32
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Rabbi Moses Zerwich
Biographical Notes:
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Here is the story line what we know so far:
Rev. Moses and Esther Ethel Zerwich (nee Krupnitzky) were born in Russia, in 1863-1864.
While living in Kovno, Russia their son Joseph D. Zerwich was born, in 1868 the family immigrated to the US.
In 1880 they were living in Pennsylvania where their daughter Jennie was born, later the family moved to NY where they lived in 89 Henry St. In 1895 their daughter passed away, she was buried in the Kalvarier section (gate 35) in Bayside.
Part of 89 Henry St. was involved in at least two real estate deals by the Zerwich family, while part of it also served for various congregations at different times among them ืืื ืืื ืื ืฉื ืืื ืกืง and ื ืืขืกืืืืืฉ.
Moses ืืจื ืืฉื ืืืจื ืจ’ ืฆืื ื”ื passed away in 1900 and was buried in Bayside (gate 32?) His wife Esther Ettel was also buried there, she died after her husband as we see her listed on the property ownership post his death in November 1900.
Thier son Joseph D. immigrated with his parents as a child in 1868. On Feb 2, 1887 Joseph married Rose Long/Levy she was the daughter of Barnett Levy and Ettil Dawidowitch, here is the marriage record:
In 1888 at age 24 Joseph lived on 118 Division St. and worked/owned a Dry Goods store, at that time he was naturalized:
In 1899 Joseph and his wife Rose lived on 545 9th Ave a tragedy happened when Rose aged 30 gave birth, the mother and newborn baby passed away ืจื”ื, they were buried in Union Field here are the two death records for mother and child:
In 1900 after Joseph D. was already widowed from his wife Rose, Joseph D. and is his family of 5 children all born in NY ages 6-13 are listed on the NY city Census records:
Joseph D. Zerwich Head M 37 Russia
Fannie Zerwich Daughter F 13 New York
Abe I. Zerwich Son M 11 New York
Lillie Zerwich Daughter F 9 New York
Bernard Zerwich Son M 7 New York
Ester Zerwich Daughter F 6 New York
On Dec. 7, 1913 Fannie Zerwich married Samuel Goldstein here is the marriage record:
In 1920 Joseph D. was (still/also) widowed, living in NY with 3 children Abe, Lilie and Esther:
Joseph Zerwich Head M 50 Russia
Abe Zerwich Son M 27 New York
Lillie Zerwich Daughter F 25 New York
Esther Zerwich Daughter F 21 New York
on August 14 1921 his daughter Esther Ettel (who was named after his mother) married Louis White in NYC, here is the record:
On Nov. 27 1936 Joseph D. Zerwich passed away as a widow, aged 72 years and registered as a Salesman, he was buried 2 days later in the Bayside cemetery in Ozone park:
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Erected to the memory of our beloved father
Rev. Moses Zerwich
Died Feb. 22 1900
Aged 63 years
May his soul rest in peace