Rabbi Nachum Zalman Zaiman
Rav, Upstate New YorkDate of Death:
Fri. July 21, 1944 -
Av 1 5704
Rosh Chodes
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Jamesville Avenue Cemeteries is made up of smaller cemeteries. Among them are, Achim Cemetery (T:315-466-9111 , Anshe Sfard Cemetery / Poiley Tzedek Cemetery (T: 315-446-5858), Workman's Circle Cemetery (T: 315-472-6341), a little further down the road, Chevra Shas Cemetery / Congregation Beth Sholom Cemetery (T: 315-446-9570, Location: Ahavath Achim Cemetery
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Rabbi Nathan Zaiman
Biographical Notes:
Β« Previous: Rabbi Shmuel GerstenfeldNext: Rabbi Chaim Shraga Brodsky Β»
He appears to have lived for a while in the 1940s in Kansas City, MO.
β¦ and specifically, he served in the Kerem Israel congregation there.
More family details can be seen at Geni: https://www.geni.com/people/Nachum-Nathan-Zaiman/6000000001754467495