Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet
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Rav, Louisville, KentuckyDate of Death:
Wed. December 23, 1925 -
Teves 6 5686
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: NEEDED
Biographical Notes:
Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Credit: Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Source: Needed
Credit: MCA
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I’m shocked no one has any info on it
He was one of the Biggest Gedolim of the USA, wrote over 6 Seforim, and all American Gedolim send him Shaalos
His books were donated to the yeshiva in Skokie Il. As far as I know, the books are still there
I am his grandson
I am one of his great granddaughters. His books were donated to the Yeshiva on the west side of Chicago. I have visited his grave with two other of his great granddaughters. My sister may have a few of his books.
Sherwin and Fay can you share the location of his grave?
Also does your family have any pictures of him?
@sherwin ernst and @fay kosnoff, can you please share information on the location of his grave, name of cemetery etc. Also @fay kosnoff, is there a way i can get in touch with your sister please to see if she has any more copies of his seforim i enjoy learning from the ravs seforim.
Would love to know where he is burried he was from the biggest tzadadikim of the history of the USA
I have his Sefer Ahavas Shaul. I would like to know more about him
In 1901, Rav Yehuda Yudel Rosenburg, the holy mekubal of Canada remarked that america was assured to become a source of holiness and torah becuase Rav Shaul dwelled there. When he passed away, Rabeinu Yudel was unconsolable with sadness.
The satmar rav, Rav Yoel Teitlebaum, was given set of photographs of many gedolim, among them his anscestors, and this stack included Rav Shaul. Rav Yoel commanded the man to burn them because of a kabbalistic statement that any picture has an impure spirit. His discourses were sent to Rav Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson of Lubavitch who was impressed by their sincerity.