Rabbi Shlomo Dov Shapiro
שלומה דוב ב"ר מרדכי
Rav, Cong. B’nai Abraham, East Flatbush, BrooklynDate of Death:
Fri. January 7, 2011 -
Shevat 2 5771
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Lebanon Cemetery in Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Block: E, Section: 9, Line: 5, Grave: 10, Society: Burshivker
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: SHAPIRO, SOLOMON
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rav Shlomo Dov Shapiro
Photo Caption: Germany, Munich; circa 1947; The delegation from the Central Orthodox Committee visiting with religious leaders in the DP camps to discuss the needs and religious activities of the Jewish internees; left to right–D.L. Meckler, Rabbi Solomon Shapiro JDC Religious Director for Germany, Rabbi Ephraim Epstein, Yitzchak Zemba, President of the Agudath Israel in Germany and Davis Klein, leader of the Agudath Kibbutzim, Credit: Needed
In Memorial:
Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz (d. 1791)
Photo Caption: Ohel of Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz, Shepetivka, Ukraine. It is also noted that his son, Rebbe Yehuda Meir (d. 29 Nissan, 5589 – May 2, 1829) was buried in the nearby cemetery, Credit: IFJCAH
Bio Information:
Between East Flatbush and later in Kew Gardens Hills, The Rav, a direct descendant of Rebbe Pinchas of Koretz (d. 1790) served for close to 70 years in New York.

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He was ben acher ben from Rav Pinchas Koritzer and his father was Koritzer Rebbe
He was a special man and is missed in KGH
Is this his father ?
If yes, then it would have more understanding to add the picture of his mothers marker in his profile.
זכיתי להכיר את הרב שלמה דוב שפירא, , עקב עיסוקי בהוצאת הספר “אמרי פנחס השלם” לרבי פנחס מקוריץ. הרב שפירא עודד מאוד את הוצאת הספר. הוא התגלה לפני כאישיות מקסימה, בחכמתו, בענוותנותו, ובנדיבות ליבו.
אני בטוח,כי מי שלהכיר דמות זו – לא יישכחנה לעולם. יהי זכרו ברוך!
A fascinating story about Rabbi Shapiro and his role in the Vaad Hatzolah together with Rav Aharon Kotler can be found here: http://goo.gl/hyax4d
Rabbi Shapiro was the son of http://kevarim.vohost.us/rebbe-mordechai-shapiro/ and son-in-law of http://kevarim.vohost.us/rabbi-yitzchok-sodden/
How old was he when he was niftar?
who was the wife of Rabbi Shloma Dov Shapiro?