Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Tuvia Geffen

טוביה ב"ר יוסף

Chief Rabbi of the South

Date of Death: Tue. February 10, 1970 - Adar I 4 5730

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
1173 Cascade Circle SW
Atlanta, GA 30311
United States

Phone: (404) 753-2128


Cemetery Map:

Notes: Greenwood Cemetery is nonsectarian and will provided a detailed location map upon request. Call ahead for gate and office hours.

Directions to Kever: Greenwood Cemetery in Atlanta, Georgia. Congregation Shearith Israel, Location: D 5, Section: B

Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Tobias Geffen

Biographical Notes:

Geffen Tuvia
Photo Caption: Rav Tuvia Geffen, Credit: Jewish Currents, Accord, NY
Kosher Coke Bottle Cap
Photo Caption: Bottle cap bearing the kosher certification of Rav Tuvia Geffen, Credit: Traci Rylands, Atlanta, GA

Source: Needed

Source: Rela Mintz Geffen (1943–2019): An Appreciation. Cont Jewry 39, 3–7 (2019)

Bio Information: 
Rav Geffen was born in 1870, in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas (Kovno). He immigrated to the United States in 1903 and became the rabbi of Congregation Ahavas Tzedek in New York City. A few years later he moved to Canton, Ohio and thereafter (1910)  Atlanta, Georgia, where he served at Congregation Shearith Israel for close to 60 years. Once in Atlanta, the Rav organized the first Hebrew school which offered a daily Talmud class. A catalyst in the area of kashrus he standardized the regulation of kosher supervision in Atlanta under his central authority and was the leader of the Southern division of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis (Agudath HaRabonim). The Rav, who published many sefarim, is most remembered for his kashrus certification of Coca-Cola. Living in Atlanta near The Coca-Cola Company’s headquarters, he received many inquiries from Rabbanim across the United States whether or not Coca-Cola was kosher. He asked the company for a list of the beverage’s ingredients and was provided with the Coca-Cola formula, a closely-guarded trade secret. He found that one of the ingredients, glycerin, was produced from the tallow of non-kosher beef. He convinced the company to substitute it for vegetable-based glycerin. Satisfied that Coca-Cola’s ingredients were now all kosher, the Rav issued a response in 1935 that Coca-Cola was kosher. “With the help of God, I have been able to uncover a pragmatic solution according to which there would be no question nor any doubt concerning the ingredients of Coca-Cola”, he wrote. “It is now possible for the most stringent Halachist to enjoy Coca-Cola”.

Credit: Traci Rylands, Atlanta, GA

Credit: Traci Rylands, Atlanta, GA

Credit: Traci Rylands, Atlanta, GA

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