Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Walkenfeld
ישראל צבי ב"ר אלימלך
Rav, Lower East Side, New York CityDate of Death:
Thu. July 8, 1937 -
Tammuz 29 5697
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Hebron Cemetery in Flushing, Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Block 21, Reference: 9, Section: F, Line: 10, Grave: 7
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Yisroel Tzvi Walkenfeld, Credit: Elly Walkenfeld
Photo Caption: Rabbi Chaim Wolkenfeld, the Rav’s first cousin (Poland / Germany), Credit: Nathaniel Wolkenfeld
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His brother, http://kevarim.vohost.us/rebbe-ben-tzion-walkenfeld/
See comment #18
I am copying (edited a little) what his grandson Eli Wolkenfels wrote about him on his brothers entry:
My grandfather’s R’ Yisroel Tvi (Hersch) Walkenfeld came to the U.S. from Lizensk in 1921 with his wife and 2 children (my father and my aunt), and 2 boys were born here in the U.S.
He eventually settled in Wiliamsburgh and lived there until his Petirah in either 1937.
He recieved Kabballah for Shechitah when he came to the U.S. and worked as a Shochet.
That is my grandfather’s Matzevah – My Grandmother’s is a few rows back off to the left. They passed away within one year of each other. My father was the youngest in the family
Yisroel zvi was the son of Elimelech Wolkenfeld (Married Chaya Weisblum), His father was R’ Yehuda Leibish Wolkenfeld and a descendant of the Wagschall family (first wife) who was a descendant of the Noam Elimelech.
Yehuda Leibish was the grandson of the rabbi Shmuel (Wolken) from Dynov, as well as a descendant of the BaCH, TaZ, and Tosfos Yomtov. His first wife was R’ Elimelech of Lyzansk’s grand-daughter via his daughter Etel).
Do you know anything about the descendants of Walkenfeld from Galicia (a desendant from R’ Elimelech from Lizchenks) whose daughter or grand daughter married Usher Zelig and had a son Eliezer born in 1877?
My great grandfather was Moshe Wolkenfeld, who was the son of Chaim Wolkenfeld, one of the children of Yehuda Leibish (and thus a brother of Elimelech). Most records have Moshe (aka Moritz) living in Nuremburg. He died in Buchenwald in 1945. Other records show his family was in Lubaczow, Poland. I’m sure some family members moved around, but does anyone know the main geographic origin of the family.
My great grandfather was Nachman Wolkenfeld, one of the children of Pinchas Wolkenfeld. Pinchas was one of the four children of R’ Yehuda and Leiba Shaindel Wolkenfeld (Nachman married Rosa Meister, Elimelech married Chaya Weisblum, Shaindel who married R’ Yehuda Yolles, and Chaim who married ?? (ask Nati Wolkenfeld)).