Rebbe Elozor Twersky
אלעזר ב"ר שלמה
Grand Rebbe, FoltichenDate of Death:
Mon. July 19, 1976 -
Tammuz 21 5736
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Washington Floral Park Cemetery, also know as Deans Cemetery located Monmouth Junction, New Jersey maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Far end of the Pupa Section, South Second Street and Park Blvd (see map picture below).
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rebbe Elozer Twersky of Foltichen, Credit: Yitz Twersky, KGH|
Photo Caption: Ohel of the Rebbe’s father, Rebbe Shlomo of Skvira (d. 1921), Kiev, Ukraine, Credit: Yitz Twersky
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Why do some Chernobyler Admorim have tombstones and others do not?
The minhag in Chernobyl is that the Rebbe’s are buried in a ohel, without a tombstone. The Faltichener Rebbe was born in Galicia and lived there till his Chasuna, under the influence of Belz, so probably this is the reason he does not have an ohel. [as in Belz the Rebbe’s are not buried in a ohel].
Do you know the source or reason for the minhag?
Miropol, Loyev-Chernoblyn, Tolna, Trisk (all listed on this site) are not buried in an ohel?
could be that in those times it was not easy to build an ohel. but in europe all chernobler rebbe’s where buried in a ohel. Reb Motele Rachmistrivker went to live in Yerushalayim, and in those days the chevra kadisha there didnt let to build an ohel on the har hazaisim, so he buyed an old chevra kadisha booth and asked to bury him in there [then his brothers where also buried there].
The Tolner Rebbe buried in New York has a matzeiva without an ohel. Also, would you concider the Matzevas in Israel that are like a box over the grave like an ohel? If not there are many Chernobiler admorim there who are not buried in ohels.
I do not know the details of each Rebbe who is not buried in a ohel, why this was. But this is sure that the original minhag in Chernobyl was to be buried in a ohel, and the original minhag in Belz was not to be buried in a ohel.
most of the original ohel’s of the chernobler Rebbe’s in europe, where destroyed during the world war. but original ohel is still standing in Kielce (Poland) built in 1917, the ohel of Reb Motele Kuzmirer. [pictures could be seen at:
The Rachmastrivka Rebbe buried in the Sanhedria Cemetery in Jerusalem only has a wall around his kever, is that considered an ohel?
R’ Luzer Twersky the Fultishaner Rebbi wrote in his tzavua that he should not be buried in a ohel, like in Belz, being that he was a belzer einikel and lived with his uncle the R’ Yisucher Dov till he got marreid. It was in Belz where he picked up many Belzer minhugem…..
and btw his name has to b spelled LUZER.
There are stories in my family that I am related to the Tulnar Rebbe. I’d very much like to learn about his minhagim for just about everything. Is there anyone I could speak to about this? Thank you.