Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Yehuda Webber

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Rosh Yeshiva, Pupa, Long Island City, Queens

Date of Death: Fri. January 6, 2006 - Teves 6 5766

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
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Phone: [xy_cemeteries field=”phone”]
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Contact: [xy_cemeteries field=”contact-person”]

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Email: [xy_cemeteries field=”email”]

Cemetery Map: [xy_cemeteries field=”cemetery-map”]

Notes: [xy_cemeteries field=”notes”]

Directions to Kever: Kiryas Pupa Cemetery is located in Westchester County in the town of Ossining, New York. Look for the sign on the left side Y.K.Y. Pupa, Once inside follow the sign towards the Tzion up the hill, Location: Row: 1, Grave: 14

Biographical Notes:

Nate: The yeshiva has since moved to Kiryas Pupa located in Westchester County.

Photo Caption: Entrance to  Kiryas Pupa

Credit: Gene Baumwoll CSW

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