Rabbi Aaron Kagan
אהרן ב"ר ישראל מאיר הכהן
Son of the Chofetz ChaimDate of Death:
Sun. February 3, 1957 -
Shevat 30 5717
Rosh Chodesh
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Judah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Section: 1, Block: V, Gate: 1, Path: R06, Grave: 109, Map: 014V, Society: TAL TOR TIPH JER, located at the corner of Lebanon Road and Sinai Avenue
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Kagan
Biographical Notes:
Credit: Needed
Photo Caption: Rabbi Kagan’s stamp, Credit: IFJCAH
Credit: NLI-Article
Of Note:
In addition to Rav Kagan, his mother Rebbetzin Miriam Frieda Kagan (d. 1946), wife of the Chofetz Chaim as well as the wife of Rav Yeruchem Levovitz (d. 1936), the famed Mirer Mashgiach are both buried in the same section.
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There seems to be a mistake here, is there a possibility that the Chofetz Chaim had a son a “Buchur” in 1957?
Do you have the picture of the matzieve of the Chofetz Cahim’s wife?
What?s the mistake, he was defiantly the son on CC and passed away in 1957. Perhaps he never got married.
Yes, I do have a picture of the Rebbetzins kever.
This Aaron is in the pictures with his father in Warsa, at the time of the historical Asifa about Chinuh.
Are U planning to start posting picture’s of Rebbetsin’s Matsieva’s also? It’s not a bad plan at all, hope you will have the time to it.
Chazak U’Baruch !
Thank you very much for your excellent website. This website provides important information regarding our spiritual heritage and history. Would you please be so kind as to provide the location of the gravesite of Rav Zaks, the Chofetz Chaim’s son in law, who was a Rebbe at Yeshiva University. Additionally, would you please be kind enough as to provide the reason for the Chofetz Chaim’s wife to be buried in Queens, New York (Ridgewood) as opposed to Europe. Would be able to get back to me as soon as you can. Once again, thank you for the exceptional service you have provided for Klal Yisroel.
Rav Zaks is buried in EY.
Its a long story; in brief, the Rebbetzin (2nd or 3rd ????) was much younger than the Chofetz Chaim, I believe over twenty years younger. (Ironically, his first Rebbetzin was 10 year older than him, which is a story init self.) When the war broke out she escaped along with the Mirer Yeshiva to Kobe, Japan and eventually settled in San Francisco and thereafter on the Lower East Side. Over the years I met a few people who knew her, I will forward the information I have to Baruch via email for posting.
I once met an old-timer who said that people would line up to ask her for a brochah.
Its easy to confuse between the Chofetz Chaim’s son Reb Aahron Kagen (the one who is posted here) and his Son-in-law Reb Aahron Hacohen who lived in EY.
Reb Aahron Hacohen’s children also lived here in the states, one of his sons Reb Moshe Kagen was the Rabbi in a Congregation in Chicago.
Rabbi Mermeminsky (whos picture is posted on this site) the Rabbi of the Mt. Vernon comunity, was the SIL of Reb Aahron Hacohen.
“Reb Aahron Hacohen’s children also lived here in the states, one of his sons Reb Moshe Kagen was the Rabbi in a Congregation in Chicago.”
His son, my zayde, was named R. Yosef Chaim Kagan, ZT”L; he was the Rov of the Kehillas Yaakov shul (“KJBS”) in Chicago. He dedicated his sefer to his cousin, Aharon, “who died without chilren”.
Its a little confusing; are you saying the Reb Ahron Kagen the son of the Chofetz Chaim died without children?
and that your Zayde reb Yosef Chaim Kagen ben Reb Moshe Ben Reb Ahron Hacohen SIL of the Chofets Chaim, dedicated a Sefer in the memory of his cousin (or great uncle)?
What is the name of the safer?
Rabbi Miller, don’t U C it stated on the tombstone, that Ahron the son of the Chofetz Chaim died as a old bachur.
This Nushach Hamatzieve is somewaht challenging me since I first saw it, a son of the Chofets Chaim died in 1957 some 30 years after his father’s passing who was pretty old when he passed away, and he was still “בימי בחרותו בדמי עלומיו” very unclear.
YD Miller,
I’m sorry I was unclear: my zayde, R. Yosef Chaim Kagan (son of Reb Ahraon ben R. Yosef Hacohen and Gittel bas R. Yisroel Mayer Hacohen), who was the grandson of the Chofetz Chaim, Z”L, dedicated his sefer in memory of his uncle, R. Aharon Kagan. His sefer was called, “Iyunei Halacha V’hegyonos”; see it at: http://www.hebrewbooks.org/3017 and note Page #4.
R. Aharon Kagan was the Chofetz Chaim’s youngest son from his second marriage and was niftar in his early 50’s. It is his matzeiva that is pictured; unfortunately, he never married.
Thanks Schmuel for the clarification.
Good Shabbos
The story goes that the when the boy became 18 years old, Chofetz Chaim told his wife that it’s time to look for a shidduch for their son, but she said he’s still young! So the Chofetz Chaim said, “Oib du vilst nisht, iz nisht” (if you don’t want, so not), and he never got married…
I was at the kever of Rebbetzin Kagen this morning. I would like to publicly thank the person who installed the brand new “big” candle box at both the Rebbetzin and her son Rav Aaron’s kever.
Let’s give credit to whom it is due, one Yonoson Yosef Mentzer was the person who donated the candlebox.
The blogger at MenachemMendel.net posted this recently on his blog:
” happen to see the title page of an English and Yiddish translation of the Chafetz Chayim’s book Nidchei Yisroel, not necessarily anything out of the ordinary. What I found interesting was that it was published by his son “Rabbi Aaron Kagan, Ph.D.” I know very little about the families of rabbis, but I found this interesting”.
i would like if anybody has info where u can find that translated version of Chafetz Chaim, would be greatful.
chusid, look above at comment #15,
To Miller:
It should say Mereminsky
Thanks for all this info. I came to this site because I was browsing in our Shul library in Newton MA today and opend a Sefer, published, in Hebrew, in 1942 in NYC “Chafetz Chaim al Hatorah”. The stamp in the book of the original owner was “Rebbitzin Chafetz Chaim. Mrs Frieda Kagan” and the address was a PO Box in Montreal, Canada. Does anyone know how and why she was there, and what years?
Chusid: I have a copy of the Hebrew/Yiddish/english Nidchei Yisrael. You can borrow it if you’re in the tri-state area.
Rodney, after she got out with her son from Siberia they lived for a few years in Montreal. Afterward they moved to NY, where she passed away in ’46.
The Rebbetzin Friede and her son Reb Ahron Kagen arrived to Montreal, Canada in 1943 where Reb Aaron served as Rav in Cong. Kinyan Torah, the year later they moved to New York.
Does anyone know where Reb Aaron Kagan got his PHD and in what academic area is the PHD?
The date of his death as listed could be wrong. He died at night on rosh chodesh as on the matzeiva but you have shabbas, the last day of shevat?
Yes, the Chafetz Chaim had a son, Rav Aharon was never married. He was very close friend of my Father who should be gerzunt.
I have a letter he wrote to my father write before he died. The letter was written in 1957.
He told my father he came to America to become a Doctor, but since he was a kohen and he had to work with dead bodies , it was impossible for him to become a Dr.
Matter of fact my second name is after him.
For Rabbi Shuvalsky,
pl contact me asap bc Im writing abt aaron.
BH. Shalom . Thank you for the insight of our Great Rebbe the Chofez Chaim and details of his family. Very surprising that the office was on Broom street. That’s where I lived during 9/11/2001 when Hashem let me survive the terror attack and let me speak to Hashem in a Fog then letting me save some lives . Broom street the pioneer hotel where I stayed . I feel a connection just decided to look up the Chofez Chaim wondering if he passed in Poland . Hashem keeps enjoying that area in Poland and now I know why because the Chofez Chaim and other Zaddikim are still buried there . May Hashem watch over all of Us with great Health and abundance of Torah and Mitzvot .
i am looking for pictures of Rebi Aharon hacohen
the son in law of the chofetz chaim