Rabbi Meir Feist
מאיר בן יהודה
The Baal Isurim of Mount Vernon, New YorkDate of Death:
Wed. April 23, 1975 -
Iyar 12 5735
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: The Maimonides Cemetery, Brooklyn branch is located on the Brooklyn / Queens boarder under the Jamaica Avenue J and Z line. Location: Along the front gate to the left. You could also ask the caretaker at the gate where "the rabbi" is buried. Note: As the surrounding neighborhood is a little past its prime It’s advisable to only visit while the guard is on duty and to pull your car as far as possible into the cemetery. Should an emergency arise call 911.
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: Name listed on marker: Rabbi Milton Feist
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: Rabbi Meir Feist, Credit: Institute for Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Photo Caption: Maimonides cemetery hours and contact information.
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I believe he was a alter bachor at the time of his passing learning in Lakewood.
A few month ago the Yated printed his bio.
Any other gedolim buried in Maimonides. I am not sure about the inside condition but the entrance on Jamaica is horrid. How did end up in this cemetery.
In short:
He became ill at age 4 and as result both legs got paralyzed, he wasn’t able to stand even with crutches and was confined to live all his life in a wheelchair plus having back and lung condition. At age of 64 he moved to Lakewood yeshiva and spent his remaining years learning there. (Henoch Teller/Above the bottom line and Longing for dawn: inspiration and consolation By Yaakov Yisrael Baifus – google books) Doesn’t seem he had any siblings.
Are there any frum burials at Mt Lebanon and Mt Nebo?
More pics of his marker and some relatives buried next to him. The marker right next to him just says “Samuel”. Upon entering the main gate, an alarm went off, when I asked the ground-keeper for Feist, he knew immediately whom I’m looking for. He claims that every week approx 1-2 people visit Rav Feist.
As always, anyone with a picture of himis kindly asked to share with us. TY.
Rav Meyers’ headstone:
Full Marker:
Relatives,don’t know how they are related:
Entrance/ Main gate on Jamaica Ave:
There was a small book written about his exceptional character titled “The Face that Shone” by Rabbi Elchanan Yoseph Hertzman
Rabbi Meir “Milton” Feist was loved by and devoted to his family. He was born in Mt Vernon NY to Leo Feist (a well-known music publisher) and his wife Bess. His bothers Nathan and Leonard are now deceased. He is survived by a nephew and three nieces and 7 great nieces and nephews. Thank you all for keeping his memory alive. Niece, Linda
this friday april 27 is the yirtzeit
this friday april 27 is the yirtzeit
this friday may 17 is the yirtzeit
This shabbos April 24 – 12 of Iyar is his 46th yarzeit
Anybody going from Lakewood this erev shabbos? His yarzeit is shabbos
His yahrtzeit is tonight. His first rebbi was Rav Yehoshua Mereminsky, rav of Mount Vernon and also part of the Chafetz Chaim’s family (had smicha from him, married a granddaughter, and was therefore also a nephew by marriage of Rav Mendel Zaks). Thank Mereminsky brought the Chofetz Chaim’s seforim to America and translated then to English, and had the young Meir Feist assist him with the last one. Conjecture, but it is likely that Rabbi Mereminsky sent Meir Feist to Rav Mendel Zaks for smicha.
We were graciously blessed to have Rav Meir Feist as a mentor. To continue our heritage from him we named our son, born shortly after his petira for Rav Meir. To further continue his legacy one of our grandsons is named for this caring, remarkable tzadik as well.
These radiant comments and Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum’s ‘unearthing’ of the remarkable journey of the blessed Rav Meir Feist (in his book Ach Sameach) have brought much joy and happiness to this writer who was priviliged to live in the very home that Rav Meir’s father Leo built on the Esplanade in the early 1920’s in Mt. Vernon, NY. I am also glad to learn of the influence of Rabbi Merenminsky, the predecessor to Rabbi Solomon Freilich Z”L, who was Rav in Mt. Vernon’s Congregation Brothers of Israel from ca. 1951 until 2004. He recently passed away in Jerusalem (1924-2021) and was perhaps the longest serving orthodox Rabbi in Mt. Vernon and Westchester County