Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Nachum Don Barhan

נחום דן ב"ר שמריהו

Mashgiach, Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon (RIETS)

Date of Death: Mon. October 6, 1913 - Tishrei 5 5674

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Cemetery Details




Cemetery Map:


Directions to Kever: Old Slutsk Jewish Cemetery in Belarus. The old cemetery was destroyed by the Communists during the 1970's. Some burials were transferred to the new town cemetery including the grave of the Rav Yosef Peimer, Slutsker Rav, (d.1864). As there is no tombstone marking Rav Barhan kever it is in unclear if he was ever reinterred in the new cemetery.

Biographical Notes:

Source: The Morning Journal, May 25, 1908

Source: Yiddish Tugblat, May 29, 1908

Source: Listed

Source: Listed

Credit: Location of remains are unknown.

Credit: Yuri Dorn, Coordinator of JHRG in Belarus

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