Rabbi Yechiel Shneersohn
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Rav, Dayton, OhioDate of Death:
Wed. December 5, 2018 -
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Rav Shneersohn may have returned to Tzefas prior to his passing.
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption: The family of Rav Yechiel including his son Shneur Zalman, a Chazan (cantor) who served in Montreal, Canada as well as Los Angeles, California where he is buried (see below), Credit: Moreshes Chachmei America.
Photo Caption:Â Rav Yechielâs connection to the Baâal HaTanya (Alter Rebbe)
Photo Caption: Rav Chaim Tzvi Schneerson (d. 1881), the Ravâs grandfather, Credit: N/N
Photo Caption: Scetch of Rav Chaim Tzvi Schneerson upon his arrival to the United States, Credit: IFJCAH
Photo Caption: Letter from Rebbe Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe which mentions Rav Yechiel and his son Shneur Zalman.
Photo Caption: Safer (book) compiled by Rav Yechiel, Credit:Â Library of Agudas Chassidei Chabad
Photo Caption: Marker of Shneur Zalman Schneersohn at the Mount Zion Cemetery, Los Angeles, California, Credit: Larry Luna
Photo Caption: Marker of Yisroel Dov Schneersohn at the Cholon Cemetery, Holon, Israel
Photo Caption: Marker of Chana Toba Feingold (married to Rabbi Avroham Fishel, Rav, New Orleans is a Louisiana), Old Tiberias Cemetery, Israel, Credit: Billion GravesÂ
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The Rabbi’s grandson, Avinoam Schneersohn lived in Lakewood. He recently passed away.
Rabbi Jachiel Schnierson died at his home in Sefad, then Turkey, on February 21, 1917. He was buried in Safed in the Jewish Cemetery on Feb. 22nd, at 1PM.
Jachiel Schneirsohn* was born in Sefat, then Ottoman Turkey, on August 17, 1889 to parents, Moshe and Alta (nee ?). Jachiel was distantly related to Schneur Zalman of Liadi: Jachielâs great-grandmother Sarah Rivka Shniori was the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Shnior, the son of Schneur Zalman of Liudi.
Jachiel was born in Safed Sept. 1, 1898. His siblings were BenZion, and Chaya Gitel.
Jachiel met his wife Cjaye, nee Lohr, in Sefat, who was also born in Sefat. They had two children: Annie/Abramie? born on Sept. 1, 1896, and Schnier (Shneia Salomon), born on Mar 5, 1898.
In 1902, Yachiel emigrated to the United States, arriving from Halifax, Canada, on August 1, 1902. It appears his wife and children remained in Sefat.
(He) lived in US for 10 years, from 1902 to 1912, in Dayton, Ohio. (1910 census has him living aloneâŚ.) It seems that he served as the Rav of Dayton, continuing to be a Jewish teacher.
On June 30, 1909, Rabbi Jachiel Schniersohn was naturalized at the Montgomery County Courthouse in Dayton Ohio,
On June 25, 1912 he left the US to return to Safed, arriving on July 25, 1912. In Sefat he continued teaching and serving as a rabbi.
To the Schniersohns, a son Israel Baer was born on Sept. 14, 1913 and daughter Deborah was born on Mar. 12, 1915
Jehiel applied for an American passport and to become a Naturalized United States Citizen at the American Consulate Agency on Nov. 26, 1915, in Haifa, the part of Syria.
On Feb. 21, 1917, he died suddenly, at home, in Sefad, having shown no signs of ill health until shortly before his death. At the time he and Chaje had five children (name of the 5th not known.) The cause of death was deemed apoplexy. He was buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Safed the following day, Feb. 22nd, 1917, at 1pm.
At the time of his death, both his father Moshe and brother Benzion, who had immigrated to Chicago in 1903, were living in Chicago, Ill.
In January, 1922, his widow Chaje and the children arrived in the United States.
*spelling used in official documents