Rabbi Yekusiel Zalmen Kruger
ืืงืืชืืื ืืืื ื"ืจ ืืืกืฃ ืืจืืื
Rav, Congregation Ohel Yaakov, Baltimore, MarylandDate of Death:
Sat. November 8, 1919 -
Cheshvan 15 5680
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
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Directions to Kever: Bowleys Lane Cemeteries (not its official name) is a group of cemeteries located along Bowleys Lane in Rosedale (Baltimore). Rosedale is located about 5 minutes northeast of Baltimore, Among the different cemeteries are Bnai Jacobs Con Cemetery, Ohel Yakov Beth Israel Cemetery, and Mikro Kodesh Beth Israel Cemetery. Each cemetery is independently owned and operated. There are location maps hanging in the cemetery. Location: Section: Congregation Ohel Yakov Cemetery
Biographical Notes:
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Hesped (Eulogy) by Reb Gedalia Silverstone of Washington DC on Rabbi Kruger (or Krieger)
As per the above Hesped, Rav Kriger’s father was the Rav on Showelon, Lita:
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His father mentioned only briefly in Berl Kohen’s work on Showlan, see here:
NYT Obituary:
Rabbi Solomon Kruger
ืืืื”ื ืืื ืืขืงื ืืืืื:
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611 N Aisquith St. Baltimore:
History of Khal Ohel Yakov: