Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Yitzchok Menachem Rottenberg

יצחק מנחם ב"ר ישראל יחיאל

Breslover Mashpia (Leader)

Date of Death: Fri. April 19, 1991 - Iyar 5 5751

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
300 Elmont Road
Elmont, NY 11003
United States

Phone: 718-343-4000


Cemetery Map:


Directions to Kever: Beth David Cemetery in Elmont, NY maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Needed

Biographical Notes:

Bio Information:
The Rav, a founding member of the Breslover Chassidus here in the United States still remembered Rebbe Avraham b. Rebbe Nachman Chazan of Tulchin (1849-1917) author of Biur HaLikutim. It is reported that Rebbe Avroham would often leave home soon after Shabbos with only a bag of bread and a stack of books, disappearing into the forest for an entire week of study and devotion

In Tribute: 

Photo Caption: Buried not far from the Ohel of Rebbe Levi Yitzchok of Berdychiv (Ukraine) is the grave of Rebbe Shmerel of Berdychiv (1 Cheshvan, 5671 – 1910) a noted student of Rebbe Avroham Chazan of Tulchin (mentioned above), Credit: IFJCAH

Credit: IFJCAH

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