Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Wendrovsky

יצחק זאב ב"ר יעקב פרץ

Rav, Congregation Chaia Adam Anshe Minsk

Date of Death: Tue. December 17, 1918 - Teves 14 5679

Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.


Cemetery Details
83-45 Cypress Hills Street
Glendale, NY 11385
United States

Phone: (718) 366-5900


Cemetery Map:

Notes: Mount Carmel operates many of the surrounding cemeteries. Gates open Sunday through Friday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM. Closed Saturdays and some Jewish Holidays

Directions to Kever: Mount Carmel Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Section: 1, Block: C, Map: 11, Line: L-10L, Grave: 9, in back of the Chief Rabbi Joseph Section, up the hill, marker is facing East. (most of the section is facing South).

Name Listed on Cemetery Database: WENDROVSKY, ISAAC

Biographical Notes:

Credit: IFJCAH

Bio Information:
Rav Wendrovsky was a founding member of the Agudath HaRabonim, it’s first Secretary and a longtime writer for the Yiddish Tagblat.

Credit: IFJCAH


Credit: WENDOSKY, SARAH (wife), Further up the hill to the left facing South

Credit: WENDROVSKY, RACHEL (daughter), Further up the hill to the left facing South

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