Rebbe Shmuel Avroham Rabinowitz
׊×××× ××ר×× ×"ר ×××ע×ר ××××
Brownsviller RebbeDate of Death:
Wed. September 25, 1940 -
Tishrei 4 4702
Anyone with biographical information is asked to please send it in.
See CONTACT page for details. Thank you.
Directions to Kever: Mount Judah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens maintains computerized records and will provide a detailed location map upon request. Location: Corner of Emanuel and Washington Avenue, a few rows behind Rav Avroham Pam
Name Listed on Cemetery Database: RABINOWITZ, SAMUEL
Biographical Notes:
Photo Caption:Â Rebbe Shmuel Avroham Rabinowitz as a young man in New York, Credit:Â From the library of Jonathon Stern, Takoma Park, MD
Photo Caption:Â Rebbe Shmuel Avroham Rabinowitz, Credit:Â From the library of Jonathon Stern, Takoma Park, MD
Photo Caption:Â Rebbe Shmuel Avroham Rabinowitz, Credit:Â From the library of Jonathon Stern, Takoma Park, MD
Photo Caption: Rebbe Shmuel Avroham Rabinowitz shul as it stands today on 770 Howard Avenue in Brooklyn. Credit: Shmuel Amsel, Brooklyn, NY
The Rebbe was among the first Admorim to lead a chassidic court in the United States. The previous Skolyer Rebbe once commented that his uncle (the Brownsviller) would read a thousand kvitals the first night of Slichos.
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The Rebbe?s shule building still stands on 770 Howard Avenue to this day. I once met the yo?zel who now runs it, and he told me the building has a mikvah in the basement.
Is their a bracha to make when seeing a shule that ?change hands??
The Rebbe had a son Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, one of the arrangers of the Demonstration 1943 in Washington DC, he worked with Hillel Kook (Paul Bergson).
He also had a brother David and a sister Sylvia.
Miller, thanks, typical churben america.
Reb Baruch is buried in EY.
Both, Reb Dovid who passed away a few years ago, and is buried alongside the Rebbe and Sylvia Vogel have many choshover grandchildren living in EY, Brooklyn, and Baltimore.
Thats encouraging information, do you have a photo of Reb Dovid’s Matzieve?
What was the name of Sylvia’s Husband?
Next time I stop at the Brownsviller, Iâll get you a picture.
Sylvia’s Husband Was Rabbi Avraham Yiztchak Rosenberg Son of Rav Yehudah Yudel Rosenberg.
Rav Avraham Yitzchak was the Rav of Savannah For Many Years.
He Maintained and Strengthened Yiddishkeit in the Heart of the Southern United States.
That is Savannah, Ga.
And where is Rabbi Avraham Yiztchak Rosenberg burried?
The yartziet is tomorrow.
The other day I was at the Rebbeâs kever, I noticed that there is no candle box. It would be very befitting if we can pool together and raise the necessary money to cover the cost of at the very least a small candle box (or even a metal mailbox).
Baruch, I am pledging the first $10, please spearhead the collection.
Paul Bergson – should read Peter Bergson.
I am good for $10, now you have covered a metal mailbox.
Are you still looking for donations for the Candle box?
Yes, this far we have $20.
I will willing to donate $10 toawards this. Does anyone know what a modest candlebox costs?
Wrong, Sylvia’s husband was Eliyahu Vogel
Reb. Sylvia’s husband was Rav Rosenberg from Savannah GA. Reb Eliyahu Vogel was married to Reb. Chaya Perel (Helen).
Correction: Sylvia’s husband was Rabbi Avraham Yitzchok Rosenberg. Sylvia’s younger sister Helen (Chaya Perl) was the wife of Eliyahu Vogel
Was anyone at the Brownsviller Rebbe’s tzion on his yohrtzeit ×’ ץ×××
Yes I was. why?
PS Intresting note on the candle box it says
×××הר ××ע××××
Does anyone know if and when the Rebbe lived in Kerhankson?
×× ×;
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David Buchwald
(grandson of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Sharon Rabinowitz Ettkin
(daughter of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Reena Sionne Evenchik
(daughter of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Rochel Lea (Kakon) Groundlland
(great neice of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Kakon
(great nephew of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Elliot P. Kakon
(great nephew of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Joyce Rabinowitz Kakon
(niece of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz
Prof. Feige Kaplan
McGill University
(daughter of Rabbi Baruch M. Rabinowitz,
niece of Rabbi Isaac J. Rabinowitz)
Suzanna Levin
(daughter of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Don Buchwald
(son of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz)
Jennifer Buchwald
(granddaughter of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz
Who is this
daughter of Rabbi Baruch M. Rabinowitz,
OK – The Brownsviller was also part of the Mezhbuzh dynasty. So either and both are correct.
This Rebbe had 5 children, all are now gone.
3 daughters – Sylvia Sura Mayteh (Avrohom Yitzchak)Rosenberg, Helen Chaya Perel (Howard) Vogel and Ruthie Rivkah Necha(I can’t remember her husband’s name and I was at their home MANY times!) R’Baruch Rabinowitz Robbins and R’ David Rabinowitz. I knew them all, but my I grew up knowing the family of R’ Baruch and my brother married one of R’Baruch’s daughters. His children sheyichyu are:
Don David Buchwald NY David & Jennifer
Sherrie Sharon Stern Etkind AZ Jonathan & Eden Stern
Suzanna Levin MA Esther and Samuel (named for the Rebbe)
Jonathan Michael Robbins EY Ruthie & several others, dont remember exactly
Daniel Seth Robbins EY Yisha, Yehuda and Ayelet Ruth
Debbie Sapir EY Arnon, Assaf, Gilad, Dana, Amit and Dotan
Itamar Ben Yehuda – stepson raised as his own – Ehud, Zohar and Uriah
Reena Ziona Evenchik – Yaakov, Yarden, Liat, Ariel and Avigail
Shira Tal Wechsler – Dvir, Tamar, Eitan, Gidon and Baruch David Yekutiel (Buddy)
What was the maskuna with the candle box?
Nice box there with sign
This sunday (Tzom Gedaliah Nidche) ×’ ×Ş×Š×¨× is the Yartzeit of the Mezhbishe. There is a nice candle box. Poil Ales Gitz.
someone should educate the people working in the office of Mount Juda Cemetery. I came all the way from Monsey to be mispallel at his kever on his yahrtzeit, and no one in the office seemed to know who I was refering to. I had to go all way back home without being mispallel at his kever.
Wow, Chaval! (He’s buried in the section right behind Rav Pam z”l). The office knows about his father, the Yampoler, although they might not have his son listed together with him. The Brownsviller is listed on their site (not under Abraham but Samuel) – what name did u ask them to search forâŚ?
All different combinations: Rabinowitz Shmuel Avraham; Rabinovitz etc.; Rabinovich etc.; Samuel Abraham. He wasn’t helpfull at all., >
for further info please contact me
Shmuel Avrohom Rabinowitz,
grandson of the Rebbe, zatazl
His SIL,
I am the oldest daughter (as well as his first born) of Baruch Rabinowitz Robbins and the granddaughter of the Brownsviller Rebbi. I noticed that my married name was incorrect above. I am married to Larry Ettkin now. I have two children….Jonathan Stern and Eden Winget.
Rabbi Abraham I. Rosenberg OBM husband of Sylvia,(Mayta Sarah) a daughter of R. Shmuel Rabinowitz OBM is burred in Savannah Georgia. He was one of the founders of NCSY.
My name is Jonathan Michael Robbins,
The Son of Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz/ Robbins.
I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
My children are Ruth Robbins / Dalomi, Idan Robbins and Keren Robbins.
My daughter Ruth has 3 sons, Shachar, Royee and Inbar Dalomi.
Recently heard that when the Rebbe arrived on American shores he lived in Bayonne, NJ and he was called “Bayonner Rebbe”, until 1927 when Rabbi Mordechai Shlomo Of Boyan setteled In New York and was called “Boyaner Rebbe”, then the Rebbe started calling himself his original name “Mezhbizher Rebbe”. After he moved to Brownsville he was called “Brownsviller Rebbe”.
Is there any source this?
Yes, family history.
I am the daughter of
Rabbi Dovid Eliezer Rabinowits zatzal who was the son of Harav Shmuel
Avrohom zatzal known as the Mezubuz, and later called the Brownsviller Rebbi who is buried in mount Judah cemetery
Today is the yartzeit of the Mezbisher Rebbe ZYâA
×׳ ת׊ר×
People have seen great yeshuos