Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

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Recent Entries

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Kohn

Hirsh Hersh Hersch Zvi Tzvee Kohen Kahan Cahan Cone Kone Zvi Hersch Kohn Montreal Kohen Tamuz Tifereth Israel Yisrael Hirsch Hersh Hersch Hirsh Upper West Side Cohen  HaCohen Eliedaat Adler Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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Rabbi Elchonon Pesach Gordon

Elchanan Elchonan Elchanon Passover Gorden Gordin Chicago Gordon, Justice Joseph Justice on the First District Appellate Court. Devoted son of the late Rabbi Elchonon Pesach and the late Rebecca Gordon; loving brother of Rose (late Rabbi Jacob) Levine, Rabbi Nathan H....

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Rabbi Moshe Turner

Moses Terner ראש ישיבת ״בית יוסף״ בלויוויטש Avrohom Avraham Abraham Avrahom Yofen Joffen Jofen Yafen Jaffen Jafen  Yaffen Avraham Pinsker Pinsk Novogrudok Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)

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Rabbi Moshe Friedman

Burlington Vermont Morris Freedman Freidman daughter Julia Friedman Stollman wife Dora Aulof Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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Rabbi Shlomo Yanovsky

Shloma Solomon Yanovski Janovski Janovsky Young Yung Jung Joung Yanowski Janowski Janowsky  Yanowsky Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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Rabbi Chaim Nosson Schoenfeld

Schonfeld Yitschok Mattie Unger  Ibi Taub daughter Schoefeld Shoenfeld Shonfelf Nasson Nason Noson Nat Nathen Nathan Ann Anna Henry Schoenefeld Henry Schoenfeld San Francisco (Colma) Sanfran Schoenfield Shoenfield Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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Rev Moshe Yosef Aronsohn

Joseph Moses Yoseph Joe aron Aaronsohn Aaronson Sara Marks Esther Benson Bensohn  Marion, Indiana Moses Gadskinck , Gadskink Godskink Salanter Mispah Salant Aronsohn Aronson Mandelbaum Wagschal Josef Moe Moshe Moshe J Reading, Pennsylvania Institute For Judaic Culter...

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Rabbi Dovid Shane

David Shain Shayn Binai Bi'nai Yisroel Yisrael Camden רב דח״ק בני ישראל בקעמדען Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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Rabbi Yaakov Cohen

Jacob Cohn Kohen Kahan Kahana Leah Musha “Lena” Kavensky Cohn Tri-City Jewish Cemetery in Davenport, Iowa. Davenport is located a few minuets from Rock Island right across the Mississippi River, Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH

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