Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America

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Rabbi Yitzchok Margolis

Rav, Cong B’Nai Yisreol – Pike Street Synagogue Lower East Side LES  Yitzchak MURGULES, Isaac  February 4, 1932 in Philadelphia, PA  Eric Randol Schoenberg Isaac Margolis and Hinde Bernstein Evelyn Kate Aronson, of San Francisco  Barry Goldwater. Husband of Evelyn...

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Rabbi Dov Yehuda Schochet

Rabbi Schochet is survived by his wife, Rebbetzin Jettie Schochet, and their children: Mrs. Oryah Vogel (Wilmington, Del.); Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet (London, England); Mrs. Sharonne Zippel (Salt Lake City, Utah); Rabbi Yisroel Schochet (Los Angeles, Calif.); and by...

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