Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America
— Over 2200 Kevarim Online!Recent Entries
Rabbi Tzvi Eisner
Zvi Tzvee Iesner Eizner Iezner Institute For Judaic Culter and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shimon Yehuda Shkop
Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon Yehuda Shkop Shimon...
Rabbi Yeshaya Spiegel
Bease Bais Medrosh HaGadol Keter Torah Chona David Speigel Spigel Shpeigel Shpiegel Institute For Judaic Culter and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Moshe Yosef Chaim Goelman
Joe Joseph Josef Yoseph Mosses Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Goldberg
Zvi Jacob Gold Goldburg Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Nachum Yisroel Brenner
Rabbi Nathan Israel Brener Nochum Ysrael Marriage: Mollie SATTENSTEIN, OTHER RELATIVES: Cousin to Rabbi Henoch Zundle Caplan. PA Philly Kuvna Kovna Institute For Judaic Culture And History IFJCAH
Rabbi Avroham Eliyahu Akselrod
Axelrod Avrohom Avraham Avroham Avrahom Eli Abe Abraham Tzemach Tzedek Lubavitch Chabad Hebrew Mount Carmel Baltimore, MD Maryland Broche Berlin Axelrod Institute For Judaic Culture and History. IFJCAH
Rabbi Dovid Orliansky
David RI Providence, R.I. Rhode Island Warwick Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Eliyahu Reichman
Riechman Eli Elias KGH Kew Gardens Hills Leah Carol Reichman Chsam Institute For Judaic Culture And History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shimon Groner
Simon Shiman Growner Hutner Brooklyn Masivta Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin Yeshiva Tiferes Bachurim Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Levi Krupenia
Grozovsky Rebbetzin Rochel Leah Krupenia Krapenia Levy Woodbridge Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Nechemia Katz
Nichemia Nechemiah Kats Catz Cats Toledo, Ohio OH Moshe Feinstein Congregation Etz Chayim is an Orthodox synagogue in Toledo, Ohio Kustanovich Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz
Shraga Fievel Mendlovich Fivel Yeshiva Torah Vodaath Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Vodaath or Yeshiva Torah Vodaas Paul Mendelowitz Mendel mendolovitch mendalovitch mendolovitz mendalovitz Phivel Sender Linchner Phival Phivol Phivel Bnei Brak / Ramat Gan Institute For...
Rabbi Noach Mendel Jaffe
Noa Noah Jaffa Yaffa Yaffe Mendle Washington Seattle, Washington WA Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yisroel Horowitz
Hurewitz Hurevitz Hurewits Hurevits Horo Horovitz Horawitz Horowits Horavitz Yisrael Israel Horowitz 47, Anna Horowitz 45, Harry Horowitz 24, Abraham Horowitz 23. Dora Horowitz 22, Irene Horowitz 22, Alfred Horowitz 12 Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Menachem Bloom
Blum Emanual Rabbi Emanuel Woolfan Rabbi Bloom, survived by 2 brothers, Hyman Bloom (Hibbing, Minn.) Dave Bloom (Duluth, Minn.); 2 sisters, Mrs. Max (Esther) Osherman (Virginia, Minn.) and Mrs Herman (Rose) Nathanson (Virginia, Minn.); 4 sons, J I Bloom (Atlanta),...
Rabbi Avroham Yitzchok Jaffe
Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Abe Abraham Yitzchak Isaac Yaffe Jaffa Yaffa Ida Sarah Charmason Jaffe Rabbi Jaffe is survived by his wife, one daughter, Miss Rae Jaffe; two brothers, Philip and Benjamin Jaffe, and a sister, Mrs. Tillie Siegel, all of Birmingham. Jennifer...
Rebbe Avroham Elimelech Shapiro
Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Abe Abrham Schapiro Shapira Schapira Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Mazowieckie, Polska Szapiro Szapira Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rebbe Yisroel Elozor Hopstein
Yisrael Israel Elazar Hupstein Hopstien Hopsteen Hopsztajn Rabbi Moshe Shimshon Sternberg his grandson upper west side Kozhnitz Kozhnits Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Olshwang
Hirsch Hirsh Hersch Hersh Olswang Chicago Illinois Telz Tezer Telsher 28400 Euclid Avenue Wickliffe, OH 44092 Bnei Brak / Ramat Gan Institute For Judaic Culture and history (IFJCAH)
Rebbe Mordechai Halpern
Halprin Halperin Helprn Kozhnits Kuzhnitz Kozhnitser Kuzhnitzer Kozhnitzer Hopsztajn Hopstein Hopstien Hoptsene Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Boaz Cahan
Boas Kahan Cohen Kohen Josef Joseph Yoseph Boaz Boas Bo'az Bo'as Boas Chain Los Angeles California Institute For Judaic Culture And History IFJCAH
Rabbi Reuvain Aaron Lipman
Aron Lippman Rubin Rueben Lippman Chicago Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Pinchos Bleich
Pinchas Bleich Bliche Pinchus Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Avroham Yehuda Margolis
Avraham Avrohom Avrahom Abraham Yehudaj Juda Margolie Margolius Tell Aviv Golsca Shtefaneshter Nahalas Yitzhak Yitzchok Yitzchak Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Baruch Avroham Wolinski
Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Abraham Wolinsky Volinski Volinsky Barnet Boruch Barnett Willensky Villensky Willenski Villenski Wolinsky Wall Wal Wol Woll Pitkin Avenue Wollinsky Wollinski Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner
Yitschak Isaac Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin Pachad Yitschok Yitzchak Yitzchok Isaak Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Holocaust Kedoshim Chelmno Extermination Camp
Kedoshim from Auschwitz Birkenau Bergen Belsen Buchenwald Majdanek Mauthausen Gusen Sobibor Treblinka Gross Rosen Alem concentration camps Nazi Germany Konzentrationslager Hermann Wilhelm Goring Nuremberg trials Heinrich Luitpold Himmler Wilhelm Frick Alfred Ernst...
Rabbi Avroham Geiger
Abraham or Abrum Yitzak Geiger Lower East Side LES Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Abe Judith Goldsmith judyg32@comcast-net related Błazowa Hello. Here is a photo of Rav Abraham Yitzchak Geiger I copied from a group photo of his family. He was born 19 November 1872 at...
Rabbi Zalman Yaakov Friederman
Jacob Freiderman Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Moshe Feinstein
Moise Moses Fiensein Fienstien Finesteen MTJ Mesivtha Tiferes Jerusalem Yerushalim Mesivta Tiferet Yerushalayim Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Wife of Rabbi Yisroel Meir HaCohen Kagen
Yisrael Meyer Kegen Kegin Sacks Sacks Saks Freeda Miriam Frieda Kagan Madison Title Elliott Saks Freida Chofetz Chaim Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehudah Riff
Rif Rip Ripp Nat Noftoly Noftaly Naftaly Noftoli Noftali Naftali Nophtoly Nophtaly Naphtaly Nophtoli Nophtali Naphtali Naphtali Naphtaly Tali Taly Zvi Yehuda Judah Juda Camden Cherry Hill
Recent Comments:
- Rabbi Yitzchok Leib Epstein: “can someone tell me if rabbi epstein is related to rabbi mordechai rosenblatt.” Jan 29, 20:02on
- Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Walkenfeld: “My great grandfather was Nachman Wolkenfeld, one of the children of Pinchas Wolkenfeld. Pinchas was one of the four children…” Jan 29, 09:29on
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- Rabbi Dover Halperin: “R. Dover b. Mordecai Heilpern (1858- 1921), rabbi of Cong. Ansche Sefard Linat HaZedek, Newark, New Jersey. R. Heilpern was…” Jan 28, 10:13on
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