Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America
— Over 2202 Kevarim Online!Recent Entries
Rabbi Klonimus Kalman Zivitz
Esther Schustal his daughter Rav Simcha's mother Zywica Klonimus Kalonymus Kalman Sivitz Aaron Rav dovid son in Lakewood
Rabbi Yeshoshua Magidson
Magedson Magidsohn Magedsohn Chicago, Illinois Magid Maged Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Binyamin Greenberger
Benyamin Greenburger Grynberg
Rabbi Elozor Beinush Friedlander
Freidlander Baltimore Elazor Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shalom Moshe Shapiro
Sholom Schapira Shapiro Sapiro Schapiro Schapira Acacia Cemetery - Pitkin Avenue in Queens Boro Park Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shmuel Cohen
Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) Mount Richmond Cemetery, Staten Island. Shmuel Plafker Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Moshe Hakim
Mosses Turkey İzmir, İzmir Smyrna Atlantic City
Rabbi Yeshaya Kilimnick
Yeshia Rochester, New York Synagogue Agudath Achim in Little Rock, Arkansas Nechele Kilimnick Cambria Heights
Rabbi Wolf Leib Kominsky
Komintsky Komintski Kominsky Kominski Joseph Josef Leib Chicago Aryeh Leib Wolf Leib Volf Waldheim Cemetery - Chicago Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Dr. Yisroel Avroham Sharfman
Yiarael Israel Rabbi Hyman Sharfman Kosher Overseers Associates of America (Half-Moon-K symbol), Los Angeles California Oakland
Rebbe Chaim Yaakov Safrin
Komarno Komarna Safren Har Hazesim (Mount of Olives) Cemetery - Jerusalem
Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Goldberg
Goldburg Albany Jacob Moses Hebrew Tailors Cemetery Guilderland NY
Rabbi Mordechai Zev Shulman
Schulman Bnei Brak Slabodka
Rebbe Yehoshua Weinberger
Dinov Dinover Bronx Har HaMenuchos Cemetery Jerusalem
Rabbi Tzvi Price
Fort Wayne, Indiana Herman Prise Hazel Schultz Daughter, Haskell Schultz had a son Ronald and a daughter Marcia Schultz Krueger, their children Hayden moved to Boston, Regina Levine and Valerie. monroe price of mt. pleasant Michigan grandson Dan Zweig
Rabbi Yonason Binyamin Jungreis
Yungreis Jung Toung Yong Jungrese Yungrese Esther Menuchas Usher of Tchenger, Rabbi Usher Anshil Jungries. Esther Jungreis Youngrice Joungrise Benyamin Canarsie Rochela Zagelbaum, Ari Jungreis, Chayala Isbee, Layala Salomon, and Boruch Jungreis The aveilim can...
Rabbi Yaakov Volaski
Volasky Charleston, South Carolina Jacob This is Baruch Mordechai Garfunkels second father in law. i pretty sure he is buried in Charleston South Carolina. Valerie L. Volaski, Boca Raton, FL 561-212-1627 Mobile Brith Sholom at Magnolia Cemetery -...
Rabbi Yoseph Novick
Novack Joseph Shnauer Shneur Zalman Yosef Joseph Novack Maspeth
Rabbi Ephraim Leib Brosin
Brosen Brosin Efraim Sacramento Sarah
Rabbi Gershon Eliezer Elefant
Reverend Gilbert A Elefant Gershom warren Pennsylvania Donora Tifereth Israel Congregation New Castle Ariela Aida Elefant aelefant Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Binyamin Bock
Bengamin Benjamin Benyamin Back Mount Judah Cemetery - Ridgewood (Queens) Bok Boc Bak Bac Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Shraga Shlomo Goder
Guder Shloma The Rabbi Harry Goder & Rabbi Shraga Shlomo Goder Fund & Hena Rochel bas Benyomin Chaim Fund Norfolk, Virginia Monsey and Spring Valley Cemetery - Monse
Dr. Shmuel Meir Schmidt
Shmuel Meir Meyer Sam Reb Shmuel Shmidt Cincinnati, Ohio Shmit Schmidt, Dr Samuel Myer
Rabbi Mordechai Landinsky
Landinsky Landinsky Landynsky Landinsky Landinski Radin Mordechai Landinsky Londinsky Landinski Landinsky Bnei Brak grandson:
Rabbi Yoseph Grollman
Joseph United Hebrew Cemetery - Baltimore Maryland Esther Grollman Sherbow daughter rabbi jacob joseph RJJ
Rabbi Binyamin Skidelsky
Dr. Ruth Skydell YU's Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology Benjamin "Buddy" Skydell Seryl Ritter Laurie Dr. Myron Goldberg; Harry Rachel Skydell Anita Chanowitz Irving Cecile) Skydell Beth David Cemetery - Long Island Elmont Skidelski Adrian Skydell
Rabbi Nachman Pusin
Posen Minnesota Saint Paul Pusen Zlatipali West Side Hebrew Cemetery - Saint Paul (St. Paul)
Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet
Chicago, Illinois Louisville, Kentucky Morris Shochet Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Avroham Simcha Bunim Irom
Rabbi Avroham Iram Elmont
Rabbi Pesach Hertz Berman
Niemowitz Bermen Institute For Judaic Culture and History
Rabbi Avrahom Gershon Ash
Yesharon Pennsylvania Shomre Habrith Cemetery Reading, PA Avraham Avrohom Avrahom Avroham Abe Abraham Abram Abrahams Albert Avrum Gershom Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Nachum Ben Tzion Sandelowitz
Nochem Denver, Colorado Zion Benzion BenTzion Rose Hill Cemetery - Commerce City Denver Nahum Salndelowitz Sandelowitz
Rabbi Yitzchok Krislov
Isaac Isaak Yitzchak Yitschok Yitschak Yitschok Yitz Yits Issac Issak Itcha Itche Crislov SHAKER-LEE SYNAGOGUE WARRENSVILLE CENTER SYNAGOGUE Ohel Yavne and Ohel Jacob merged to form the Shaker-Lee Congregation Cleveland, Ohio Solon
Recent Comments:
- Rebbe Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg: “In addition to the Zohar B’lashon hakodesh and Kur hamivchan, The tarler rav also authored shaalos u’teshuvos and a kabbalistic…” Feb 19, 20:12on
- Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet: “In 1901, Rav Yehuda Yudel Rosenburg, the holy mekubal of Canada remarked that america was assured to become a source…” Feb 19, 20:04on
- Rebbe Chaim Kahana: “Daniel, my email is working. Not sure why I didn’t get it. If you email me, I’ll pass on my…” Feb 19, 17:43on
- Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet: “I have his Sefer Ahavas Shaul. I would like to know more about him” Feb 19, 11:06on
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