Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America
— Over 2202 Kevarim Online!Recent Entries
Rev Avroham Yisroel Keys
Avrahom Avrohom Avraham Abe Abraham Israel Kees Kiys Keyz Mikva Keyes Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Gedalya Yosef Bernstein
Burnstein Bernsteen Burnsteen Bernstene Bernsteins Josef Joseph Yoseph Gidalya
Rabbi Yitzchok Sender Kuperman
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH MI Itcha Itchy Itchi Yitzchak Isaac Kupperman Cupperman Cuperman Cooperman Kooperman Coopperman Kuper Coper Kupper Copper Sendur
Rabbi Yehoshua Krellenstein Levin
Rabbi Yehoshua Krelenstein Leivn Leven Levine Lieven Levin Levien Levine Rabbi Yehoshua Krellenstein Leivn Crellenstein Crelenstein Krellenstene Leivn Crellenstene Josh Brother Dov Tzvi Zvi Wife Peshe Pesha
Rabbi Yehuda Meir Shmulewitz
Tamuz Meyer Juda Shmulewitz Shmulevitz Schmulewitz Schmulevitz Bais Yisroel Louis Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Wife: Ema Emma יהודה מאיר ב"ר יחיאל מיכל
Rabbi Chaim Fischel Epstein
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Tamuz Fishel Herman
Rabbi Yaakov Tuvia Buchbinder
Jacob Tuvya Bookbinder Tovia Tobias Book Buck Binder Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Baruch Meir Klein
Boruch Mayer Maor Bernard Bernat Kline Klien Winnipeg, Canada Reebe Shaya'le of Kerestirer Reebe Shaya'le of Kerestir Mount Carmel Cemetery steiner Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Mordecai Shapiro
Schapiro Shapira Schapira Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shlomo Yonason Segal
Shloma Solomon Yonoson Jonathon Shulom Massena Josh grandson Nisan Nisson Nison Nisun Sol Seigel Siegel Segol Segal
Rabbi Chaim Gross
Bennington, Vermont Letterer Leterer Gros daughter lives in Kew Gardens and works at Maven Motors Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Schatz (Szcekacz)
Shatz Shats Schatz Schats Mexico Binim Institute For Judaic Culture And History Szcekacz Szcekaz Panteon Israelita (Cementero Ashkenazi) Sur 138 Miguel Hidalgo, D.F. Mexico City
Rabbi Naftali Gutstein
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Naphtali Nat Goodstein Goodstien Gutstien Gutstein Goodsteen Gutsteen Goodsttien Guttstien Gutsttein Goodstteen Gutstteen BESHT
Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapiro
Moses Samuel Schapiro Shapira Schapira Sam Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Avroham Shmuel Dubitzky
Dubitzki Avrohom Avrahom Avraham Abe Abraham Sam Samuel Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Tamuz
Rabbi Moshe Gitlin
Detroit, Michigan Moses Gitlen General Motor Company Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yaakov Eliezer Wohl
Rav, New York City Cizella Lazar (Lazarus) Wohl Moritz Herman Ida Goldberger Ben Benjamin Rose Hofstedter Anna Dovid Hofstedter Rav Dovid Hofstedter Totonto Canada wool jacob d. 20 Cheshvan, 1928 (5688) Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Institute For...
Rabbi Ephraim Asher Rottenberg
Efraim Osher Rotenberg Rotenburg Rottenburg Tamuz Usher Froim Perel Rottenberg Taylor Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Avroham Aryeh Schwartz
Shwartz Schwarts Shwarts Shvartz Schvarts Shvarts Shvatz Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Abe Abraham Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH LA
Rabbi Shalom Rubin
Ruben Sholom Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Baruch Ben Tzion Rubenstein
Bentzion BZ Ben Zion Rubenstein Rubinsteen Rubensteen Rubin Ruben LA Boruch Bernard Berny Bernei Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Yitzchok Pinchos Ginsberg
Rav, Khilas Yitzchok, Los Angeles, CA d. 26 Cheshvan, 1984 (5745) LA Yitzchak Isaac Pinhos Anyone with information is asked to please send it in. See CONTACT page for details. Directions to kever: Agudas Achim Cemetery 1022 S Downey Rd Los Angeles, CA 90023 T: (323)...
Rabbi Abba Chaim Levinsohn
Baltimore, MD Levinson Levensohn Levenson The Downtown Synagogue Maryland Aba Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yekusiel Zalmen Kruger
Ohle Yakov Krieger Krooger Kroker Kruger Kreeker Kreiger Baltimore Maryland Rosedale Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Delegation of Rabbonim To Washington, 1925
Rabbis Dachovitz, Yudelovitch, and Margolis Girzik, Miller, Golubowski, and Leifer yood rabbanim Washington DC Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yehuda Idel Idelson
Juda Yehudah Edel Edelson Edelsohn Adel Adelson Adelsohn Idelsohn Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Delegation of Rabbonim To Washington, DC c.1912
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Delegation of Rabbonim To Washington, DC c.1912 2. Rav Yitschok Siegel, Bayonne, NJ 4. Rav Avroham Alperstein, New York City 5. Rav Gedaliah Silverstone, Washington, DC 6. Rav Dovid Ginsburg, Wilkes-Barre, PA 7. Rav...
Traveling To Eastern Europe
Lizensk Haditch Lubavitch Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania est. Galicia Hungary Kiev Moscow Livov Bubov Satmar Belz Gur Krakow Warsaw Medzhybizh Mezibush Lantzut kerestirer kerestir Liska Slonim Apt Apta Lublin Lodz Radomsk Rzeszów Risha Odessa Uman Zhytomyr...
Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Rabinowitz
Moses Juda Yehudah Rabinawitz Rabinowts Rabinovich Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Moshe Berman
Los Angeles, CA Bermen Moses LA California Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rebbe Meir Leifer
Cleveland LA Meyer Mair Leiffer Laifer Lofer Loffer Liefer Mayer Mayor Nisan Nisson Nison Nisun Nadvorna Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yitzchok Ben Tzion Isaacson
Benzion Ben Tzion Ben Perle Ben Zion Perl Bentzion BZ East Yitz Yitzchak Isaac Isaacsson Institute For Judaic Culter and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Levin
Zvi Hersh Hirsh Levine Livine Leveen Margolise Margoolis Tzvi Hirsch Levin Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Recent Comments:
- Rebbe Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg: “In addition to the Zohar B’lashon hakodesh and Kur hamivchan, The tarler rav also authored shaalos u’teshuvos and a kabbalistic…” Feb 19, 20:12on
- Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet: “In 1901, Rav Yehuda Yudel Rosenburg, the holy mekubal of Canada remarked that america was assured to become a source…” Feb 19, 20:04on
- Rebbe Chaim Kahana: “Daniel, my email is working. Not sure why I didn’t get it. If you email me, I’ll pass on my…” Feb 19, 17:43on
- Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Shochet: “I have his Sefer Ahavas Shaul. I would like to know more about him” Feb 19, 11:06on
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The Real Person!