Kevarim of Tzadikim in North America
— Over 2200 Kevarim Online!Recent Entries
Rabbi Avroham Yoffen
Avrohom Avraham Abraham Avrahom Yofen Joffen Jofen Yafen Jaffen Jafen聽 Yaffen Avraham Pinsker Pinsk Novogrudok Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Hyamson
Moses Chyamson Chaimson Haimson Chyamsohn Chaimsohn Haimsohn Hyamshn London Bais Din Beth Din Beth David Cemetery - Long Island Elmont Orach Chaim, Upper East Side Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Yitzchok Elchanon Mitnick
Yitzchak Isaac Elchonon Elchanan Mitnik Mitnic Isadore Mitnick Spouse's Name: Pearl Mitnick Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Dov Brennglass
Ber Beril Brinnglass Brenglass Bren Brenn Brin Brinn Glass Adas Yisroel Yisrael Wife: Eva聽 Son: Mark Massena Massene Blood liable Barbara Griffiths Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Pesachya Halpern
Pesach Halprin Halperin聽Helprn Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Chorostkow Chorostkov, Khorostkov, Khoroskiv, Khoroskev, Ukraine
Rabbi Shimon Mordechai Weinstein
Simon Winstein Wienstien Weinsteen mordechei Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Rabbi Morris Weinstein of Beth Hamidrosh Hagodol in Boro Park, Brooklyn (not sure) Anshe Toras Chesed Zichron Toras Moshe Torahs Chesed Congregation Anshe Torath Chesei...
S. Weingarten Hand Matzoh Co.
Zindel Weingarten聽Yosef Zundel is Sindel聽Sindel Weingarten聽Wiengarten Veingarten Viengarten Weingartin聽Wiengartin Veingartin Viengartin Yosef Yoseph Zundle Joseph Josef聽Rimanov Peasach Passover Matza Matzath Matzoth Matzohs Rebbe聽Sadiger Sadigora 讬讜住祝 讝讜谞讚诇 讘"专 诪砖讛...
Rabbi Avroham Yitzchok Klugman
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Freehold Hebrew Benefit Cemetery, Hebrew Benefit Society Cemetery, Freehold Jewish Cemetery, Congregation Agudath Achim Cemetery Cardigan Bay Ln Cardigan Bay Ln Avrohom Avraham Yitzchak Isaac Klugmen聽Avrohom Itzhok...
Horowitz Brothers and Margareten Company
Horowitz Margareten Mozoth Matzah Bakery Matzoh Passover Pesach matzoth Matza unleavened LES Horovitz Horowits Margaretine Horovitz Horowits Hurwitz Hurvits Hurvitz Hurwits Horawitz Horavitz Horawits Horavits Hurvitz Hurwits Horovitz Horawitz Horavitz Horo Hora...
Rebbe Yosef Leifer
Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Liefer Leefer Layfer Leifer聽聽Liepher Leepher Laypher Leipher Liefer Leafer Laufer Yosef Joseph Yoseph Josef Isadore Leifer Meir Meyer Yitzchok Isaac Pittsburg Newarker聽 Newark Mordechai Yissachar Ber聽Nadvirna Nadw贸rna...
Rebbe Avroham Abba Leifer
Avrohom Avraham Avrahom Liefer Leefer Layfer Leifer聽聽Liepher Leepher Laypher Leipher Yosef Joseph Yoseph Josef Pittsburg Newarker聽 Newark Mordechai Yissachar Ber聽Nadvirna Nadw贸rna Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Yitzchok Preiter
Yitzchak Prieter Freiter Frieter Phreiter Phrieter聽Prietor Freitor Frietor Phreitor Phrietor Institute For Judai Culture and History IFJCAH Preiter
Rabbi Elazar Simcha Wasserman
Elozor Elazor Wasrman聽Baranavichy聽Baranavichi Elchonoan Elchanan Elchanon Simcho Wasserman had several sons.聽Simcha Wasserman聽(1899-1992) served as dean of聽Yeshiva Beth Yehudah聽in聽Detroit聽in the 1940s, founded Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon (later renamed聽Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon...
Rabbi Moshe Etter
Moses Eter Ettur Etur聽Shaina Institute For Judaic Culter and History IFJCAH 讞转谉 专' 诇讜讬 讬爪讞拽 讘"专 砖讗讜诇 诪注讘诇 砖讛讬讜 砖谞讬讛诐 讗讘"讚 讘讟砖注专砖讟注住拽 讘注诇讗专讜住, 诇诪讚 讜讛讜住诪讱 诇讛讜专讗讛 注"讬 讙讚讜诇讬 诇讬讟讗, 诪"诪 讞讜转谞讜 讛谞"诇 诇诪砖讱 讟"讝 砖谞讬诐, 讘讗 诇讗诪注专讬拽讗 讘砖谞转 转专驻"讛 讜谞转拽讘诇 诇专讘 讘拽讛诇转 讞讬讝讜拽 讗诪讜谞讛 讘讛讗专讬住讘讜专讙...
Rabbi Aaron Kotler
Aaron Aron Kutler Kotlor Isser Zalman Meltzer Aharon Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH) Kletzk Klesk Slutzk Slutsk BMG聽 Slutsk to Kletsk in Belarus Slutsk to Kletsk in Belarus Beth Medrash Govoha (Hebrew: 讘讬转 诪讚专砖 讙讘讜讛, Sephardi pronunciation: Beth...
Rabbi Moshe Aaron Poleyeff
Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH) Moses Aron Poloyeff poleyeph poleyef Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH聽REITS聽Theological聽Seminary Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon (RIETS) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Elchanon Elchonan Yeshiva University...
Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Rosner
Jacob聽Tortzol聽Tertzel聽聽Tortzoler Tertzeler Father of Reb Moshe Rosner Shlita of Monsey聽Szeklehider Rav Tamuz Tzelem Tzelemer Greenwald
Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum
Aron Satmar Satmer聽Titelbaum Tietelbaum Queens YCQ Central Yeshiva of KGH Kew Gardens Hills Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Chaim Shimon Goldstein
Sam Goldsteen Goldstien Harry Fischel Fishel Simon Samuel Herbert Westchester County Hawthorne (Valhalla) Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Fischel Family Bertha F Rafsky daughter Henry A Rafsky SIL Aaron Hecach Jeanne R Jaspan Krayna Granddaughter...
Agudas HaRabonim Convention Rockaway Park, New York (Two)
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United聽States and Canada Harabanim聽Agudat Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH聽Conference, 讗讙讜讚转 讛专讘谞讬诐 讚讗专爪讜转 讛讘专讬转 讜拽谞讚讛
Agudas HaRabonim Annual Convention
Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada Harabanim Agudat Conference Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United聽States and Canada Harabanim聽Agudat Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Conference, Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH...
Rabbi Meir Sharf
Meyer Scharf Sharff Scharff Agudath Harabonim Agutat Aguda Adath Israel Boro Park Minsk Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH One einikel called my on Friday that his mother (the daughter of Rabbi Sharff) once told his wife that it was the Shul that...
A. Streit’s Matzos
Aron Aaron Streit Streits Bakery聽Moses Weinberg Wein Wienberger聽Wien Wienber Aish Kodesh Woodmere Moshe Tzvi聽Matzah Bakery聽Matzoh Passover Pesach matzoth Matza unleavened Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Aron Streit, Inc.聽Manhattan聽 New York City...
Agudas Harabonim Building Dedication
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Agudat Agudath 235 East Broadway Solomon David Pinchos Rabbis Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United聽States and Canada Harabanim聽Agudat Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH聽Conference, 讗讙讜讚转 讛专讘谞讬诐 讚讗专爪讜转...
Rabbi Yaakov Moshe HaKohen Lessin
Jacob Moses Lesin Lessen Lessin Har Hazeisim, Jerusalem Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH聽REITS聽Theological聽Seminary Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon (RIETS) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Elchanon Elchonan Yeshiva University YU Yeshiva College
Rabbi Shmuel Elozor Volk
Samuel Wolk Volck Wolck RIETS Sam Eliezer Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH聽REITS聽Theological聽Seminary Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbeinu Yitzchok Elchonon (RIETS) Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Elchanon Elchonan Yeshiva University YU Yeshiva College 3 sons listed: Benjamin...
Rabbi Brechia Aryeh Rosenfeld
Brechia Rosinfeld Rosenfeild Rosenfelde Brechya Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Shlomo Dov Shapiro
Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Shloma Shapira Schapiro Solomon B Ber Pincos Kuritz Koritz Kuretz Phepetouka Shepetivka聽聽Shepetovka聽聽Kuritzer Koritzer...
Rebbe Avroham Yitzchok Weisblum
Avrohom Avrham Abe Abraham Yizchak Isaac Wiesblum Wiseblum Weisblum Wiesbloom Wisebloom Weisbloom聽shashuver Viesblum Viseblum Veisblum Viesbloom Visebloom Veisbloom Lisensk Lizensker Institute For Judaic Culture聽and History (IFJCAH) Agudath Aguda Yisrael Israel Aguda...
Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Kruger
kreiger Zvi Tzvee Kroger Kruger Kriger Kreger聽Kruger or Krieger聽AGUDAS HARABONIM Agudath Aguda聽Krieger聽 Krooger Institute For Judaic Culture and History (IFJCAH)
Rabbi Tzvi Chaim Papkin
Zvi Papken Ahavat Ahavas Achem Hyman Aguda Agudath Union of Orthodox Rabbis New Bedford Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH
Rabbi Aaron Tzvi Sliveblatt
Aaron H Silverblatt Sliverblat Zilberblatt Zilberblat聽 Aron Zvi聽 Aaron Harris Silverblatt Haris Institute for Judaic Culture and history IFJCAH
Rabbi Yisroel Rabinowitz
Rev Israel Rabinovitz Rabinovitz Rabinovits Rabin Ida Miriam Yisael Nichemyeh聽Nichemiah Institute For Judaic Culture and History IFJCAH Isrea Rabinowitz 55 Ida Rabinowitz 52 Benjamin Rabinowitz 24 Max Rabinowitz 19 Samuel Rosenthal 58 Lillian Ginsberg 17
Recent Comments:
- Rabbi Yitzchok Leib Epstein: “can someone tell me if rabbi epstein is related to rabbi mordechai rosenblatt.” Jan 29, 20:02on
- Rabbi Yisroel Tzvi Walkenfeld: “My great grandfather was Nachman Wolkenfeld, one of the children of Pinchas Wolkenfeld. Pinchas was one of the four children…” Jan 29, 09:29on
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- Rabbi Dover Halperin: “R. Dover b. Mordecai Heilpern (1858- 1921), rabbi of Cong. Ansche Sefard Linat HaZedek, Newark, New Jersey. R. Heilpern was…” Jan 28, 10:13on
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